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House Mullyn"shadows pass, light remains"

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House Mullyn
"shadows pass, light remains"

House Mullyn, a noble house located in Tarnstead, the south of The North, just outside Moat Cailin. Consisting of Lord Bennard and Lady Haylise, along with their three children Lyla, Layn and Adelina.

Bennard Mullyn fought bravely next to Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon in Robert's Rebellion. The three were always close friends until family duties got in the way after the war came to an end. Bennard's mother passed away from illness when he was just a young boy, and he lost his father and older brother in the Rebellion, leaving him the heir to House Mullyn.

Haylise Tyrell is the youngest and only daughter of Luthor and Olenna Tyrell. An alliance was made between House Mullyn and House Tyrell for Bennard and Haylise to be betrothed, which was fulfilled after Robert's Rebellion. Though the love was forced to begin with, it blossomed over the years and brought three beautiful children into the world. Three children destined for three very different things.

Lyla Mullyn was always a quiet and respectful lady. Much like her mother, she wanted better things for herself and believed that The South could do that for her. Much to her fathers dismay, her mother arranged a betrothal to Elden Lannister.

Layn Mullyn, said to be the most charming man in all of The North, even better than Theon Greyjoy with the ladies. Refuses every offer his mother and father make him in arranging a marriage as he wants to do it out of love, and nothing else. Though he has no intentions of finding a wife anytime soon.

Adelina Mullyn, the most beautiful girl in Westeros and even claimed to be the reincarnation of Lyanna Stark. Very similar to her Grandmother Olenna, with her witty remarks and sarcasm, much to her mothers distaste.


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Authors note -
Hello everybody! First of all, thank you for taking the time out of your day or evening to even look at this story! Whether you're going to continue reading or not, it really means a lot that you've even clicked on it to see this message! I've been wanting to write a fanfic for absolutely ages, particularly a Game of Thrones one but I finally got the courage once I decided on my characters and their plots etc. I really hope u all enjoy and continue on this journey with me x

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