VII. Goodbyes

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Winterfell was tense

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Winterfell was tense.
Everybody was either angry, crying, confused or all three. Bran's fall and the soon-to-be departure of the Stark family were the main causes.

It had been a week and Bran was still unconscious. His small body laying still on the fur quilted bed. He looked too peaceful to be waring with death. Lady Stark has not left his side, staying awake for perhaps all 168 hours. She was unrecognisable nowadays.

Edward and The Royals had delayed their journey, perhaps in hope that Bran would wake up, but that didn't seem to be happening anytime soon. All they could do was pray.

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Adelina and Jon had not spoken since their kiss. If anything, they were avoiding one another. With Bran in a critical condition, the last thing they needed to do was conflict or cause any unwanted attention, after all she was to marry his brother.

She hated goodbyes. She knew this moment would have to come eventually. She'd have to say her goodbyes to everybody, even Jon but that could wait.

"Arya." Adelina called from outside the girls door. She could hear talking from inside, and wondered whom she would be with. She hoped it would but anyone but him.

"Come in!" The Stark girl yells, and Adelina responds by opening the door. In front of her stood both Arya and Jon.

"Oh...I..I didn't know you had company." Adelina stutters, her eyes looking anywhere but his brown ones.

"I was just leaving." Jon responds, the tension spilling throughout the small room.

"No you were not." Arya frowns, disagreeing with her elder brother. "Look what Jon got for me!" She beams, picking up the skinny sword with careful hands.

"Wow, that certainly is something." The Mullyn grins, tracing her fingers over the thin edge. "If I knew we were exchanging gifts, I would've brought something."

"I don't need gifts. I just want to stay at home." Arya sighs, earning a smirk from Jon. "I already have Septa Mordane telling me I am not packing correctly."

"She's just trying to..."

"Make me act more like Sansa. I know!" Arya interrupts, her face scrunching like she has a bitter taste in her mouth saying her sisters name. "Have you seen Bran yet?"

"No, have you?" Adelina responds, finally looking at Jon as she replies.

The two Starks shake their heads.

"My father says it won't be nice for me, especially to remember him this way if anything should happen."

"Well I'm sure he will be fine. I've heard he is to wake soon." Adelina reassures. "I am going to see him later so I can pass on a message when he is wake and well."

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