VI. Falling

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Fresh air was exactly what Adelina needed that morning

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Fresh air was exactly what Adelina needed that morning. She didn't feel particularly great from the previous night, although she wasn't sure if that was the embarrassment or the alcohol. She rose from her bed, a dull ache vibrating through her head as she made her way to the window that arched above the back of Winterfell castle. A smile tugged at Adelina's lips as she saw fresh snow, not much but enough to make the Winterfell grounds white. She had not seen snow in a while, in fact possibly years. It reminded her of one winter when she came up here to Winterfell with her family, her little legs chasing the boys around with snowballs in her hands, she missed those days. It wasn't long before Adelina was disturbed from her thoughts with a knock at her chamber doors. "Come on in."

To Adelina's dismay, in walked her mother. "You left early last night." Haylise states with judging eyes, glancing around the room like she was looking for any evidence to use against her daughter.

"I was tired, and not well. It went on for hours." Adelina defends herself with a sigh, watching her mothers disapproval. With the thuds in her head, she really wasn't wanting any conflict this day.

"I saw you leave with Robb."

Adelina shakes her head, aware of what her mother was hinting at. "And Arya." She laughs softly, shaking the statement off. "We walked Arya to bed and then he walked me to my chambers."

"Just not before you wed, my dear." Haylise raises a brow. "People may talk."

"Let them talk then of nothing that is their concern or that is just absolute fiction." Adelina did not care what others thought of her, unlike her mother.

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"I wouldn't like to be that target, that's for sure." Adelina grins widely as she walks towards Jon and Arya, whom were practicing archery in the courtyard. The castle was practically empty due to the King, most of his men, Stark and Mullyn men going out on a hunt. "How come you haven't gone on the hunt Jon?"

"I promised Arya that we could spend the day together." He smiles down at the Stark girl, as she turns round to face Adelina.

"Jon is teaching me how to get better at my archery." She beams. She certainly suited bows and blades better than sewing.

"I didn't think you needed much help to be honest Arya." Adelina admits. The girl was almost as good as her, and there was a five year age gap.

"Are you feeling better today?" Arya raises her brows. "You were acting really weird last night."

"I am much better thank you." Adelina smirks. "So what do you have planned for today?"

"Nothing much My Lady, but you're welcome to join us." Jon replies, as much as he wanted to spend the day with his favourite sibling, he had hope that Adelina would join them so he was able to spend more time with her especially before he left.

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