I. Old Friends and New Beginnings

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The day had arrived

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The day had arrived.

A tradition kept by Bennard Mullyn and Eddard Stark, that they would hold an annual feast in Winterfell to celebrate the two's much long lived friendship. Both families would join together for a few days to celebrate with food, drink and each other's company.

It was indeed a celebration of life and love, but also death as the news of the passing of Jon Arryn had reached The North, a father figure to both Eddard and Bennard. That was not the only news, as the King had notified Eddard that he would be arriving that week with an announcement, meaning everyone was preparing to greet the royal family, and Eddard, Bennard and Robert would be all finally reunited after the three of them had spent nine years apart.

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"What do you think the King is coming all the way up North for?" Layn asks as he slouches back in the carriage seat, which was taking the Mullyn's from their home in the Southern North to Winterfell.
Bennard, Haylise, Adelina, Thalina and Olenna all joined him.

"That lazy oaf could be after anything" Lady Olenna replies immediately, a slight agitation to her tone "Probably to get one of these Northern idiots to do his job properly." She nods in the direction of Bennard.

Layn and Adelina look at each other in amusement, their Grandmother always made the most humorous but improper comments about almost anything. Bennard shakes his head at the continuous inappropriate comments of his mother-by-law, particularly about men.

"Mother..." Haylise scolds, staring sternly at her own mother. "Can you please have more respect, these are royals we are talking about and which you will be meeting in the next few days."

"Royals.." Olenna rolls her eyes with a sarcastic laugh, "if you can even call them that, I bet the country would be run better by Snow Bears."

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"Is everything prepared? They could be here any minute" Catelyn asks her husband, slightly breathless, after spending the morning making sure everything was perfect, in order for the Mullyn family's arrival.

"You worry too much, my love" Eddard chuckles, cupping Catelyn's exhausted and pale face. "It's only Bennard and his family, they come every year."

"I've heard Lady Olenna Tyrell is also coming and you know the Tyrell's have a reputation for perfection" Her eyebrows raise, waiting for a response from Ned, whom just shakes his head with a chuckle. "I'm sure they will admire everything you've prepared."

A young voice suddenly interrupts them, echoing across the courtyard, "are they here yet?" Arya shouts, looking around her father and mother for a sign of the arrivals. "I can't wait for Adelina to get here" a smile beaming across her small face.

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