V. A Royal Escape

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The King and his family were due to arrive today

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The King and his family were due to arrive today. Everybody, even Ned Stark, was either frantic or nervous about the royal arrival. The King had news or a declaration, everyone knew it. He wouldn't travel to the North for just any old situation.

Catelyn had made sure the older boys would look their best, sending them over to Tommy for a clean shave.

"Why is your Mother so dead set on us getting pretty for the King?" Jon grunts, standing topless with Theon as they watch Robb get shaven.

"It's for the Queen I bet." Theon replies, "I hear she's a sleek bit of mink."

"I hear the Prince is a right Royal prick." Robb states bluntly, earning a chuckle from the two other lads as Tommy rubs his face, feeling for any left over stubble.

"Think of all those southern girls he gets to stab with his right royal prick, and by the sounds of it Adelina is soon going to be one of those girls." Theon smugly grins, waiting for a reaction off either of the boys who both clearly admired the Mullyn girl. "But not if Sansa has her way."

Robb glares at the Kraken lad as he stands up. "Go on Tommy, shear him good." He slaps Jon's back as the curly haired bastard sits down. "He's never met a girl he likes better than his own hair." Robb and Theon both chuckle. If only they knew.

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Wide eyed with a Cheshire Cat grin, Bran stands on the edge of Winterfell castle, leaning over as he watches the King's party approach his home. Climbing was natural to the ten year old boy, as he jumps and steadies himself on the stones, having the agility of a monkey.

"Gods but they grow fast." Catelyn expresses as she walks along Maester Luwin and Olenna Tyrell, passing one of the direwolf pups.

"I'm surprised you let these wild animals into your home." Olenna suggests, looking down at the creature as they walk by.

Catelyn glances at the older woman, about to reply until she spots her son climbing down the Winterfell walls. "Brandon!"

"I saw the King!" The little boy beams, not even flinching at his mother's voice as he carries on climbing down. "He's got hundreds of people!"

"How many times have I told you? No climbing!" Catelyn scolds, not caring who is in her company.

"But he's coming now! Down our road." He continues to jump down until he lands on solid ground, making it look easy to the standard person.

"Hm, quite the climber aren't you child?" Olenna affirms, earning another glance from Catelyn. Bran smiles in return as his mother bends down to his height.

"I want you to promise me, no more climbing."

Bran looks down at his feet, not wanting to make the promise as he knew it would be a lie, and his Father always told him he should never lie. "I promise."

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