III. An Angels Cry

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"Adelina darling, we must talk

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"Adelina darling, we must talk." Haylise gently holds her youngest daughters arm as she guides her to her chamber after her recent sewing lesson with Septa Mordane. The touch of her own Mother was a strange yet warming one to Adelina, though she couldn't help but wonder why Haylise was being so soft towards her.

"What is it Mother?" Adelina releases from her mother's soft grip as they enter her chambers. A silence filled the cold air, a silence so loud that Adelina thought even those in Dorne could suspect something big was about to happen.

"Your father and I have found what seems to be a suitable match for you, and one I'm sure you will also find suitable for what it will bring you."

Adelina sighs, sitting gently on her new found bed. She looked down at her small hands as they held one another, finding the comfort within herself. Her fate was signed, and she knew that it wouldn't have been long until this moment but she just didn't realise how soon it would be. Her mind quickly flew to Robb Stark, she supposed he wouldn't make a bad husband. In fact, he would be a great husband. The point was that she just didn't want to marry him now. Though her Mother and Father could've chosen a worse suitor.

"You're not overreacting as usual?" Confusion fell across Haylise's face. This was not her Daughters usual actions over potential suitors. Was she finally accepting her duties? "You are to marry Joffrey Baratheon."

The name that came out of Haylise's mouth was not the name that Adelina had expected, causing her to stand up in frenzy.

"Joffrey Baratheon? Mother are you joking?" That was the last name I expected to come from your mouth." Her right hand falls flat to her head as she begins to pace her chamber. Joffrey Baratheon. She could not believe this nonsense. "Has father even agreed to this?" She knew that Bennard never agreed to the marriage of her older sister to Eldon Lannister so she could barely believe that he would agree to marry his youngest off to another half Lannister.

"Watch your tone young Lady." Haylise snaps, burning holes straight through her youngest Daughter with her stare. "You will be future Queen, I don't know how you dare even question this proposal?"

"How I dare?" Adelina chokes, tears in her eyes. "This is MY life or are you forgetting Mother?" She edges closer to the older woman, her body temperature soaring as she gets more heated and upset. "I am not marrying the nearest Lord you can pawn me off to, and it certainly won't be Joffrey Baratheon."

A sudden heat collides with Adelina's face, coming from her mothers right hand. "Think about who you are talking to." And with that, Haylise leaves Adelina to collapse in tears on the floor, clutching her face.

≫ ─────────── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ─────────── ≪

The North evening air was crisp and silent, though the sky was darkening with pools of Navy. It looked like rain could set in at any given time.

Adelina cautiously made her way to the one place she knew she could be left alone. The Godswood. Left with her thoughts and burdens. Left to think about what her new life would be with the next King of Westeros. Would she make a good Queen? What happens if Joffrey didn't like her outspoken ways? Would she be happy? She loved the North, but now she would be a Southern girl. Just like her sister.

She was never one to care what other people thought but what about the ones she cared about? Did her Father really agree to this alliance? After all, he is friends with King Robert. What would Sansa think? All morning at sewing she was talking about how she cannot wait to see the dashing Prince. What would the boys think? She gave a gentle smile to herself, her first in hours. Theon would take great joy in teasing her about this. Jon would probably feel sorry for her and Robb, well she didn't quite know about Robb's reactions but she would soon find out. Tears fell again, dampening the log she held onto.

The sudden sound of shuffling and twigs snapping pulled her from her thoughts, as she wiped her eyes. She felt safe here but she hoped to the Gods that it wasn't her Mother coming to collect her. A wet nose nudged her arm suddenly, as she saw the white direwolf stood before her.

"Ghost.." Though the animal was slightly blurred through her teary brown eyes, she could still make out the big white beast. She wondered if he'd made it here by himself or that Jon wasn't too far behind.

"Ghost" a thick accent called, followed by a tall figure that stood in the form of Jon Snow. "Sorry my Lady, I didn't mean to frighten you." He apologises, barely making eye contact with the girl as he bends down to the height of both Ghost and Adelina. "I didn't know you were out here my Lady. Sorry for interrupting you."

"Jon" the Mullyn girl smiles, looking at him whilst her fingers run through Ghost's fur. "Please stop calling me Lady, it's Adelina."

"Sorry my Lady." He nervously said it again.

"There is nothing to apologise for, you and Ghost have now brought me great company." She gestures for him to sit beside her, as he hesitates but does so anyway. "I needed it." Her lips formed a gentle smile to the Bastard.

"Are you okay?" A frown falls upon his face, even the falling dark couldn't hide the mark across the beautiful girls face. "You look upset."

"I...I..I just wish I wasn't born a woman" She sighs deeply.

"It could be worse." Jon says, "You could have been born a Bastard." It was true. This was an attempt to cheer Adelina up, but he was right. She could've been born a bastard.

"I just see my Brother, and he's not yet married but my Mother and Father seem to have no problem with that yet here I am being forced to have suitors."

"That's probably because your Brother is making his way through the whole of the North before he gets a wife." Adelina chuckles at Jon's response, forcing him to also smile at the sight of her cheeriness. She really was a magnificent women, not that he had met many women but he just knew that there was truly nobody else like her in this world.

"We best get back.." Jon breaks the silence, he knew that there would be trouble if the two were seen together without anyone else around for this amount of time. Either by Haylise or by Catelyn, but either one was scary enough.

"We best." The dark haired beauty agrees as Jon helps her up off the log. "Jon.."


"Thank you."

And for once in his life, Jon Snow felt appreciated. He didn't feel like a Bastard. He felt good. He felt loved.

A/n: I haven't died

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A/n: I haven't died. Sorry I know this story is a slow slow one but I've had a few issues so my uploads such be more frequent in the next few weeks. I just had a sudden burst of inspiration and thought I would provide you all with something! I really enjoyed writing this chapter as much as I hope you guys enjoy reading and I'll hopefully see u all soon x

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