Contradicting Twins Love

43 5 4

Overall I was satisfied with the story. The story-line was quite catchy but there were a few minor mistakes which will be easy to fix. 


1: The characters are well developed, and have a lot of personality. 

2: The story-line kept me going on. I ended up reading 5 chapters! 

3: The chapters were short, so they weren't boring. 

4: overall it's worth a read!


1: There were minor grammar mistakes, mostly the absence of full stops and question marks. I suggest reading the chapters again, correcting them as you go.

2: The synopsis of the book was way too long, and gave away too much information. I can already tell the ending. Shorten it up, about 12 sentences at most, and begin a new paragraph every now and then (even if the first paragraph of the synopsis is just 3 lines)

3: Again, grammar. This time, it's the slang. Don't slack off! put the remaining letters in 'pls' and make it 'please.'

4: Spacing. The words looked all crammed up. Again, start new paragraphs after at least 6 or 7 lines (if necessary, you can make it longer.)   

5: The cover. Probably the most important part. Go to a nice cover shop on Wattpad, and they'll help you make a decent cover.


 I'll rate it 8.5 out of 10. Because of all the things. You can easily make it a 10, though.

 *Also, I have added a payment (since criticism is hard work) in the previous chapter. Please do it. 

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