Chapter 5: Lockers Can Lock Other Things Too..

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"Firey! I got you a new phone!" Leafy said, running over to him. Firey turned to Leafy, gasping as he saw a phone on her hand. "Here!" She tossed the phone to Firey. Firey caught it, he observed it. Firey has a phone now. He gave The Dog a pat on the head before walking away with Leafy. "Nothing is going to hold me back now!" Firey said as he played with his phone. Leafy sighed with satisfaction.

Ahh, doesn't school always come back? Firey was walking down the hallway when all of a sudden Match slammed him against a locker. Firey shivered, shrieking in fear. She opened the locker and shoved Firey into it, locking her own lock into the door. Firey pounded on the door, screaming. "If you don't shut up I will stab you to death in front of your like- friends," Match yipped. Firey shook, him franticly trying to open the door. Firey bawled out, he backed away and quivered. Match smiled as she walked away.

Leafy and Bracelety were looking for Firey, never being able to find him. Bubble and Kaidy on the other hand were Playing tetherball. Tears formed in Leafy's eyes, shes probably thinking of Firey being gone forever..again. Pencil walked behind Leafy, she shoved Leafy to the ground. "Ow!" Leafy yowled. Bracelety was no longer with her, and this was a big problem. "Wh-what are you-" Pencil kicked Leafy, cutting her off. Leafy screamed, she struggles to get up. Pencil kicked her back down. Leafy quivered, staring at Pencil. Pencil started ripping Leafy, Leafy yowling and crying for help. Kaidy hears leafy and quickly storms in. "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!" Kaidy said loudly. "Um..." Pencil nervously said. Leafy was joyed that Kaidy came to her. In a flash of a eye Leafy and Kaidy were gone.

"Thanks Kaidy," Leafy said. "No problem Leafy." Kaidy said quitely acting shy. While Firey was still in the locker, all he could do was breathe, look around and listen. He was terrified of Match and Pencil. Firey swerved into a comfortable angle, his eyes sparkling with fear. Firey frowned the whole time, how long will he be stuck in the locker? About three hours have passed and he is literally suffering. Firey squirmed around, crying more and more.

Two days later, Firey was still there, crying and crying. He slammed himself against the door. Four walking by and catching notice. Four teleported Firey out, staring at him. Firey just fell, he couldn't stand. Its been two days since he has stood. "How long were you in there!" Four asked. "Two days," Firey muttered with sorrow. Four's eyes went wide. "Seriously!?" He screeched. "Who did this!" Firey just slowly looked at Four. "Match.." He mumbled. Four stormed off, growling. Firey looked at the schedule, it was past lunch time. He groaned, pouting as his stomach roared in hunger. Four teleported Firey next to him. "Once I get Match out of the girl's bathroom I can talk to her about this," Four snarled. Firey mumbled as Four walked into the bathroom. While invisible Kaidy watched what happened in shock.

Match was seen crying, a large bruise on her tip. Four tilted his head. "Someone stood up to you?" Four growled. Match shook her head and cried more. "Then what?" Four asked. "I don't wanna talk about it," Match whispered. Four stared at Match, "tell me and you get a dollar!" Four playfully said. Match groaned, she shook her head. "I guess I'll contact your guardian," Four muttered. "N-No!" Match screamed. "Please don't! They'll beat me!"

Four's heart sunk. "Has your guardian been abusing you!" He yipped. Match nodded in fear, she swallowed the tension in her chest. "Why hurt Firey and Leafy?" He asked. "I just wanted to get my mind off the abuse, I wanted to blame someone and make myself feel better!" Match answered, her voice shaky. Four sighed, he didn't know what to do. He walked out and to Firey. "Match was being abused by Lollipop," Four mumbled as he walked toward the office. Firey sighed, he didn't have any sympathy whatsoever.

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