I Will Wait For You (Klance)

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Third-person ( what it will be most of the time)

Keith sat in the dimly lit room, with bloody white flower petals all around him. He had just seen Lance, his crush, kiss Allura. He didn't wanna be obvious, so he just watched as his crush and Allura, who had been very violent to Keith ever sense the team all found out he was Galra. 

Keith had always been alone in this world. Shiro was the only person to ever shown an interest in him. So when Keith started to crush on lance, he wasn't planning on ever letting him in. He didn't think he could let else anyone in. Shiro had to work very hard to break his walls down, he's been the only one willing to stick around long enough to try.

Now, it wasn't Lance's fault he accidentally hurt Keith. For one, he didn't know Keith loved, or even liked him. This was Keith's own fault, he decided to risk feeling heartbroken just to feel closer to Lance. Just to feel loved, to feel possibly anything. Keith couldn't bring him self to hate Lance ever. He couldn't even bring him self to dislike Lance.

So Keith would ever stop loving lance, would he be willing to wait? Wait through all the pain, the suffering? The acing feeling of wanting to feel Lance's hands on his skin? Would he really go though all that pain, just for Lance? The answer was yes. He would wait lifetimes, decophoebs, whatever for Lance. Sure, every single day of his life would hurt him, but for Lance? He'd walk through Hell. He'd walk a mile to make sure he was healthy, happy, and loved.

But for know, he'd forget all of that, and he'd cry in his room. He'd cry until he had no more tears left. Then, he'd hide his emotions from his team, his family, from Lance. He'd leave for the blades, he'd drink more alcohol, he'd only come out of his room when he was needed for a mission. He'd wait for the day when lance finds Allura in a closet making out with Lotor. So if you ever asked Keith what he would do for Lance back then, he would just simply answer two words,  "I'm waiting"

Keith never thought he'd have to wait for so long, to suffer for so long, and have it actually pay off. That's what he was thinking about in his three bedroom, two bathroom house, rocking a baby to sleep, while another slept soundly in theyre bed. While his husband's arms wrapped around his waist silently. He put a now sleeping baby in its crib, and turned around to face Lance.

"Hey babe." Lance said in a hushed tone, trying not to wake to small child.

"Your home early today." Keith wraps his arms around his neck.

"I wanted to surprise you." Lance leans forward, pressing his lips to Keith's softly. "What do you say we go for round three?"

Keith laughs. "You want another baby? You have two already."

"Okay, you got me. I just think your super cute pregnant. Plus I get to take care of you." Keith turns back to the crib and rocks it genitally.

"Then your in luck." Keith said smirking. "I'm pregnant again." He said taking a test out of his pocket.

"You - wha - how? When? God I love you."

"I love you too."

Keith though about it again, all he could think was how glad he was that he decided all those years ago. When he said those five magic words.

"I will wait for you."

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