Hurricane Dorian (2)

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Previously on The Adventures of Keith's Sex Sex Life...

"Hello? This is Nature Valley Hospital, is this Keith Kogane?" The voice said, I'm pretty sure it's a woman.

"Yes this is." I respond.

"I'm calling to tell you,"
(Suicide attempt) ⚠️
Keith's POV

"I'm calling to tell you that Takashi Shirogane And Lotor Delores are alive." The woman said in a calming voice. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Really?! How are they?" I say, I hope they're okay.

"Takashi is awake. He has a sprain in his left wrist, and a broken ankle. He will be discharged in a few weeks." The woman responds in a happy voice, I felt like there was bad news still. "Lotor has not woken up yet. We think he is in a coma, he has a mild concussion. The doctor thinks he's lost certain memories. Takashi seems to have lost a few as well."

They... lost some memories? Will they remember me? I'm going to see them, and if they don't remember me, I'll help them remember.

"Can I see Takashi?" I ask nervously. She saids I can, so I get dressed and grab my motorcycle keys. I put my bag in the back compartment and grab my helmet. After putting it on, I start my bike a ride to the Hospital.

At the Hospital~
Narrators POV

Keith speed walks into the hospital with his black and white back pack. Going straight to the reception desk, he checks in and races to find Shiro's room. Anxiety overwhelms him as he stands in front of his room. He wonders if he'll even be remembered. He grads the door nob and turns it open. He walks into the room and his eyes meet Shiro's grey eyes.

"H-Hey Shiro, Do you remember me?" He rubs his right arm nervously, biting his lip at the same time.

"Keith, I remember you baby." Shiro smiles at him as the pressure decreases from Keith's chest.

"You do?" Keith stops biting his lip, and his hand holts on his arm.

"Of course I do, how's Lotor?" He asks, Keith walks over to the Hospital bed and sits by Shiro's feet.

"He's not awake yet. Mostly his head is injured, mild concussion. They think he in a coma, and that he won't remember certain memories." Keith looks down at his hands, he felt guilty. He thought because he had called them, they weren't focused on the road. "I'm so sorry Shiro."

"What? Keith it's not your fault. The road was slippery, you weren't even in the car." Shiro reached a robotic hand up to Keith's face.

"Wait, your arm was amputated?!" Keith shoots up from the bed, and picks up his hand. "They said you had sprained you wrist..." Keith trails of as he inspects the arm.

"That's what they though at first, but they found a lot more damage." Shiro laid his hand on Keith's cheek. "Why are you crying?"

"Because your injuries, I thought they weren't as serious. Shiro this is all my fault."

"No! Keith it's not your fault, I could never blame you for this. I love you Keith." Shiro reached his hand up to Keith's cheek and brushed his tears away. "Why don't you go check on Lotor, or go for a walk, clear your head." Keith nods and walks out of the room.

"This is all my fault." Keith thought to himself as he walked down the hallways of the hospital. Soon, he was in front of Lotors room. He opened the door slowly, finding the unconscious man, and the beeping of the heart monitor.

Lotor had a wrap around his head, and a patch over his eye. His left leg had a cast on it, and it was elevated from the bed. Keith looked at the bruised skin, and the other sleeping person in the room- wait...

"Lance?!" Keith said loudly. Lance jolted awake, seeing Keith in front of him.

"Oh, hey Keith. Visiting Shiro?"
Lance asked. Keith only nodded, why was lance here?

"Ya, what are you doing here?" Keith asked out loud this time.

"Well Lotor And Shiro are my boyfriends, I'm visiting." Lance smiled.


Keith's eyes widened. Shiro and Lotor were cheating on him? Did lance know? Should he tell him? Were they actually on the way to his house? Keith felt useless, broken, and sad. He was so stupid, who would wanna date a broken loser?

"O-oh no one told me...I gotta go." Keith turned before Lance could ask questions or see him cry. He drove back to his house and smashed every single picture of himself and the two boys. Then went into his room, where a hand gun sat in the closet.

He didn't write a note, he didn't make a big deal, he didn't call Pidge to say he was sorry, he didn't do anything. He raised the gun to the side of his head, and placed his finger on the trigger.

"KEITH!" Pidge yells from the door way, Keith freezes.

"W-What are you doing?" Pidge ran behind him and grabbed the gun, stuffing it in her bag.

"I-I'm sorry k-Katie..." Keith sobs and drops to his knees. Pidge wraps her arms around her and pets his hair gently. She didn't know why Keith tried to shoot himself, but she'd be there for him.

He was her brother.

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