Klance month 1

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Day 1's prompt - Royalty

Lance McClain. Everyone knew him name, he was the prince after all. The prince of Altea to be exact. He was 2nd heir to the throne, 18 years old, and his middle name was Charles. He's also 5"7, his favorite color is blue, and he was bisexual. How did Keith know this? He may have a tiny crush on him. He knew he had no chance with him, he really didn't have a chance with anyone else. Keith worked as a cleaner in the castle, which was one of the reasons he found out all about Lance. His mother and father were fighters currently fighting in a war against the Galra. Was he scared he wouldn't ever see them again? Very. He hoped that both would be okay and he could hug them again.

"Keith, we need to speak to you." The king, king Alfor to be exact, said as Keith walked past the throne room.

"Yes sir." Keith followed him into the throne room, all the royal family minus the princess was sitting in their respected thrones. "What do you need?"

"Keith dear I'm sorry to tell you this, but your parents have been killed in battle." Keith nearly fainted hearing that. His parent were dead? He clenched his fists tightly. His nails were digging into his hands as tear threatened to fall from his eyes. He couldn't cry in front of them- in front of Lance.

"Well that's unfortunate. I'll be in my quarters if I'm needed." Keith quickly turned around without being dismissed. But the family understood and let him walk away.

"Keith, are you-"

"I'm fine." Keith was most definitely not fine. That was Lances conclusion, he needed to go check on him but his parents might stop him.

"Lance, we can tell you wanna check on him. Go, he need support." Both adults knew of Keith's past depression and self harm because of his brothers death. This was a giant circle.

"Thanks mama." Lance basically tan to Keith's room and knocked softly.

"Keith, can I come in?"

"I-I'm fine Lance. Go away." Lance could hear that he was crying. It sounded as if he was straining his voice. "Please, I want to be...here."

"You don't wanna be alone. I know you don't. You hate it."


"It reminds you of all the birthdays you spent alone, or all the nights when your parents weren't there to tuck you in." The door cracked open revealing the little ravenette who looked like a lost kitten. His eyes were red with tear tracks down his face. Lance saw little crescents on his palms were his nails dug into. "You don't wanna be abandoned."

"Where...how do you know that?"
Keith whispered gently.

"Keith, you are so much more than just a cleaner to me. You're a beautiful, strong, amazing person. You don't want to let people in cause you fear they'll leave you. You hate that. I know more about you than you really know." Lance paused and held a breath as he thought about what he was about to say. "Keith, I love you."

"You...you love me?" Keith looked up at the taller male "Lance I-"

"You don't have to say it back, but I just wanted you too know."

"Lance, I can't say...that yet. But I like you a lot Lance. I really do." Keith had a small smile on his face. Lance understood why he didn't say I love you back. He just wasn't ready for that.

"Keith, will you go on a date with me?" Lance took his hands in his own.

"I... don't know Lance. I'm a cleaner, your a prince... it's just, not good for you."

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