He's Mine. (Requests?)

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Keith and Lance were sent on a small mission. All they had to do was make a deal with a planet called Deliania. The planet wasn't taken over by Galra yet, so they desired to add them to the collision before the Galra come.

The small planet was peaceful most of the time. The people were friendly, and the king wholehearted. The prince however, was not. If he saw something or someone he wanted, he would get it. So the couple didn't want to make him angry.

The two landed the lions a good few meters from the front gate. They explained who they were and why they were here. The guards lead them to the castle, where a tall man sat on a diamond throne. The King was very tall, and had a good amount of muscles. He was human like, but had fluffy pink ears on the top of his head, and a white tall. His skin was a soft pinky color. He wore a red cape and silver armor.

"Hello friends! I'm King Alonge, you are paladins of Voltron correct?" The king spoke happily as the pair nodded.

"We were sent to make a peace treaty with you before the Galra can attack the planet." Lance said. The two though it was best for Lance to talk.

"Ah- Yes! That would be won-"

"DAD!" A violent scream encoded through the castle. "I want my-"

The young male pauses once his eyes land on Keith, he licks his lips. Lance, being protective, wraps a arm around his waist. While Keith just stands still.

"I want him to be my bride!" The loud man yells at the king. "And He should be locked away for touching what's mine!"

"Son, that's the red paladins. You can not force him to be your bride." King Alonge spoke to his son.

"GUARDS! Take that guy to the dungeon!" The prince points to lance as guards grab him and take his bayard.

"Lance!" Keith tries to get to his boyfriend, but is stopped by the prince. "Let him go!"

Duck tape is place over his mouth. The prince drags him away from Lance, and Lance away from Keith. That made lance mad, that was his omega. Only his. So he ripped his arm away from a guard and punched him in the nose, doing the same to the others. He grabs his Bayard and dashed through the halls, following Keith's scent.

Meanwhile with Keith...

"Can you let me go? I have a mate!" Keith begs again. The male is holding him down and touching him in places only lance could touch. Keith could sense Lance was pissed.Keith also knew lance knew he was in danger.

"Just enjoy this red paladin, it'll be much more fun with me." I whimper as a seductive voice
"Call me daddy."


"That title is reserved!" Lance slams the door open, and runs over. He pushes the male off keith and wraps his arms around him.

"He's mine."
Hello! Just your friendly neighborhood gay here!

I'm curious if you guys have any requests? I'm running out of ideas....

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