Hurricane Dorian (Shkeitor)

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As we all most likely know, Hurricane Dorian just got the cost of Florida. (As of September 4th.) So, here y'all go. Eat some fluff.
Keith was not afraid of a lot of things. He kills all the spiders when Shiro yells about them, and sometimes when Lotor yells. He is only scared of to things, rejection, and very bad storms. Like the hurricane that was currently in his area.

"Come on Shiro, Lotor pick up." Keith was hidden in the small closet that was making him think he was claustrophobic. He had been trying to get a hold of one of his husbands, but neither answered.

Keith started to hyperventilate and panic. What if something happened to them? Then he'd  be all alone, and he didn't want that. He tried to call Shiro one last time, as Keith was starting loose hope, Shiro picked up at the last ring.

"Keith?! Keith, it's ok I'm here. Lotor is here to. We're almost home ok?" Shiro wasn't driving of course. His voice was still frantic and worried. It was also clam and reassuring. Keith's breathing didn't show, but he believed Shiro and Lotor would be home soon. So he tried to calm down.

"Breathe Keith, we're almost there." Lotor, although the wind was loud. Could be herd from Shiro's side. Keith took deep breaths in the small closet he was in, trying very hard not to sob.

"It'll be-" Shiro was cut off when Keith's phone died. Keith frantically felt around for the handle of the door. As he opened it, he walked around the house getting blankets, pillows, food and water, and board games. He set up in a bigger closet, and tried to calm down once again. Making a neat like bed in the corner, he laid down and closed his eyes.

Meanwhile in Shiro's car...

"Lotor, he hung up." Shiro said, trying to call Keith once again.

"Takashi, it's a hurricane. He might have lost connection or his phone might have died. We're almost home." Lotor eyes were on the very stormy road as he turned the corner slowly.

"Lotor, it's keith. He's probably panicking right now!" Shiro yelled, I needed him to calm down.
"Sorry, I'm just worried. The news said it was category 4 storm."

"I know but the quicker you calm down the faster we ca-."

"LOTOR WATCH THE ROAD!" Shiro alerted me as I look to the road quickly. A car was driving on the wrong side of the road. I swerve right in to a tree, and everything went black.

No one's POV ~ With Keith

I'm worried now. Lotor and Shiro aren't home went, and haven't answered my calls or texts. I found a battery charger, so I could charge my phone.

What if they left me? What if they saw me so weak and decided to leave. I don't blame them, who would want some weak boy as there boyfriend compared to Lotor or Shiro? They're probably driving farther and farther away from the three bedroom house we lived in.

The thoughts made my breathing heavy, and I started hyperventilating. My cheeks had tear marks running down them as I sobbed and tried to breathe. The wind and rain picked up and I could see trees being ripped from the dirt below them. The next two days were no different, the only thing different is the storm is over now, and neither Shiro nor Lotor are home.

The phone rings and I go to pick it up. My hair greasy and messy. Black bags under my eyes, I looked so ugly. "Hello?" I said quietly.

"Hello, this is Nature Valley Hospital, is this Keith Kogane?"
The voice said, I'm pretty sure it's a woman.

"Yes, I am." I say worriedly, what happed?!

"I'm calling to tell you,"

To be continued ~

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