Suicide Hotline. (Jaith)

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Quick note, if you ever have suicidal thoughts please reach out to a loved one, or call the national suicide hotline.

Most people had normal jobs. Like working at a cafe, or a gas station. Some people work at NASA, or for the army. But some have the hardest job in the world, working for the suicide hotline. James Griffin was one of them.

He loved his job of course, and always felt nice stopping suicides or helping people figure it out. He wasn't always like that though. In high school, he was a bully, and he almost caused a young boy to commit suicide. The boys' name was Keith Shirogane. He was the half brother of Takashi Shirogane, and he was cute. James was always bullying him and didn't know why. He had felt so guilty about it after he finished high school. He was hurt when he looked at Lotor, Shiro, and Keith so happy together. (Did I connect this to another story? Yes. Yes, I did. Do I even have a life anymore? No. No, I don't.) So it was strange to hear a familiar voice on a suicide call.

James' POV

"Hey there, are you ok?" I start when I pick up. You are told not to start with 'suicide hotline', good thing they told me, I would have started with that.

"I needed to talk to someone." A voice said. The voice was strained and hurt. Like they hadn't talked to anyone for a while. They also sounded familiar, I've heard that voice from somewhere.

"Ok, fire away."

"So I've been feeling so empty lately, and I have my friends and my dad, but I feel like I'm just a burden like I don't fit in." The voice got quieter throughout the short story. I was sure of one thing, the voice was Keith.

"Have you been in a recent relationship?"

"They cheated on me..." That's all he said. Nothing else. Why would they cheat such a sweet person? Why did I bully him?

"Sir, it may be very hard, but for the people around you please don't hurt yourself. Your friends don't want to feel the pain of losing you in one of the worst ways to die, and your father, what would he do?"

"...Who are you?"

I was told that you could give out your name, but I feel as if he would not be too pleased with me on his suicide call.

"My name is James, James Griffin." I could not make out what Keith said, but he said something like no way, or really?

"J-James...this is Keith Kogane."

"I know. Keith, I'm so so sorry! I-I took all my anger out on you, and you didn't deserve any of it. I was just so angry with my dad and I was just so-"

"Thank you, James."


"You helped me today, t-thank you."

"Keith- how did I help you?"

"I don't know how... you just, did."
I was in shock. I helped him, I helped Keith after years of torture.
"D-do you wanna hang out sometime? I-I probably won't talk, but will you?"


He sounded so desperate, so...lost. I couldn't have said no even if I wanted to, I like him. I fucking like Keith Kogane, he is the one.

"Yes, yes I will."

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