J.M.| Brazil (extended)

991 15 1

Song Recommendations
Come to Brazil by Why Don't We
Church by Chase Atlantic

I take a careful step onto the glorious yacht belonging to my father's coworker alongside my mother and brother. I didn't want to go on this so called vacation, but my father insisted the whole family come meet his business associate on his boat for the weekend.

A tall man emerges onto the deck with a hot young man followed behind him. 

"William," the man greets my father with a handshake. "This is my son, Jonah. He flew in from California yesterday," he says. 

"Nice to meet you, this is my daughter, y/n and my son y/b/n," my dad introduces us.

I glance over at Jonah, taking in the sight of him; dark brown hair, intense greyish blue eyes, full lips, moles and freckles going down his neck, a half buttoned white button up with the sleeves rolled and black jeans. He's hot, and from what I'm assuming by the smirk he's wearing, he knows it too.

What he doesn't know is that I'm not easily intimidated. 

"Nice to meet you," I greet, not looking away from his gaze like he's expecting me to. 

"You too," he crosses his arms and furrows his brows trying to figure me out.

After getting a very long tour of the humongous boat, I'm showed to my room to get settled in, but after spending the day in this heat I just need a shower. I change out of my clothes, wrap a towel around my body and grab my toiletries. Stepping out of my room for the night I try to remember where the bathroom is on this floor.

Finally, I make it to the decadent bathroom and open the door. I'm shocked at the sight in front of me. My eyes wander past the thick steam, through the glass shower doors and find a wet, chiseled body. 

Jonah slides the door open, "can I help you?" he asks, sounding irritated.

"Aw, what's the matter? Worried I might see your tiny dick?" I insult. 

I'm lying. He's very big. 

He rolls his eyes, "go back to playing with your barbies or something." 

There might be something wrong with me because I'm getting so turned on. 

"I'm nineteen," I inform him.

"Oh, since you're so big and bad why don't you act like it?" He bluffs. 

He doesn't think I'm going to do anything, but I can see hard evidence that I'm not the only one getting hot and bothered. I step closer to him and drop my towel, looking him dead in the eye as I put myself on full display.

Taking it a step further, I climb into the shower with him. He swallows thickly and shakes his wet hair. Water droplets slide down his broad shoulders and deeply cut abs. 

"Fuck it," he mumbles, backing me against the shower wall and kissing me chastely.

This wasn't how I expected my weekend to go, but I'm glad I got more than what I bargained for. His big strong hands pin my hips against the wall as his teeth pull at my bottom lip. The hot water drips down both our bodies, heating us up in more than one way.

"This doesn't mean anything," he mutters, turning my back to him, pushing my front against the shower wall as he rams himself into me from behind. 

"Holy fuck," I moan a little too loudly. 

"Say my name," he commands. 

"Jonah," I moan quietly.

He slams into me roughly, pulling my hair, "louder." 

"Jonah," I scream his name. 

"That's more like it," he groans deeply. 

He pulls out and picks me up, sinking me back down onto him while his hands hold me up by my ass.

He buries his face in my neck, sucking and biting and bruising my skin. I draw out a long moan as he fucks me roughly against the wall. 

"Jonah I'm close," I tell him. 

"Mhm," he continues his work on my neck as he speeds up his pace.

We both reach our climaxes, turn off the water, and step out of the bathroom, heading to our rooms for the night.

The next morning we grab breakfast and join our families outside on the deck. Jonah and I end up sitting next to each other at the table. His hand grips my thigh under the table an I notice a piece of paper in his hand.

Meet me in my room.

"Thanks for breakfast, dad. I gotta go clean up," Jonah announces, getting up from the table, winking at me and walking inside.

"I'd better go too, my suitcase is a mess already," I lamely excuse myself. 

My feet excitedly carry me to Jonah's room. 

Before I can even knock, he pulls me inside his room and forces me against the door quickly. His lips encase mine in a lustful kiss. 

Jonah's hand moves down my arm softly, then moving to the lock on his door smoothly. I can tell he's not one to be submissive, so I push him onto his bed just to piss him off. 

My hand reaches down to palm him through his jeans, but he briskly grabs my wrist, cutting me off. His intense eyes are heated with dominance as he unbuttons his pants, hoists up my skirt, pushes my underwear aside and plows into me roughly. 

I almost screamed from the insane pleasure, and if it weren't for his hand hastily covering my mouth, I would've. 

His hips expertly roll up into me, bouncing me up and down as one of his large hands holds both of my tiny wrists. 

Jonah switches positions after a couple minutes of this, laying me on my back and thrusting between my widely spread legs. 

"Fuck," a high pitched noise escapes my lips. 

"Quiet," he whispers, hushing me by once again placing his hand over my mouth. 

I've never been fucked this roughly and I am enjoying every second of it. 

"You close?" he quietly grunts in my ear. 

I nod, just about ready to drip. 

"Me too." 

A minute later, we both come undone. 

"Shit," Jonah pants from next to me. 

"Mhm," I agree. 




This one might be my favorite out of the series. 

Hope you enjoyed this imagine from the summer series

Instagram: dangerousxwdw

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