Song Recommendations
Christmas (baby please come home) by Michael Bublé
Kiss You This Christmas by WDWIt was an average December day, I woke up and made myself some Christmas flavored coffee, greeted my parents downstairs briefly, watched a few episodes of Friends, and it wasn't abnormal until I noticed a folded white piece of paper on my nightstand. I reached over my bowl of popcorn and unfolded the crisp paper. Immediately I recognized the handwriting to be my boyfriend, Daniel's.
Good morning baby. Put on your warmest clothes, you're in for an adventure. Go to the person who brought you into this world. x
My brows furrowed and my fresh holiday manicure scratched along the back of my messy hair. He always knew that I'm not one to pass up an adventure, so I pause my episode of Friends, threw my hair into a bun, bundled up and walked downstairs to my mom. "I was wondering when you were going to come down here," she smiled, handing me a small piece of folded paper, just like the one before. "Be safe, the roads are icy," she told me as I read the scribbles on the paper.
I knew you'd never pass up an adventure. I know that you're impatient as well, but soon you'll understand. Go to the place I first held your hand.
I thought for a moment, that was quite a while back, but I knew exactly where I had to go to get the next clue. The park.
Quickly I got into my car, blasted the heat and listened to the Christmas radio until I pulled up to the small park with naked trees surrounding it. I got out of my car and looked and looked until I saw the cutest dog wearing a scarf that I just had to pet. The dog panted happily and I noticed a piece of paper sticking out of the scarf. I unfolded it and read it.
Quick! Go to the place where we can never pick.
I smiled, that has to be the movie theater. We can never agree on a movie because we are just too indecisive for our own good. The drive there was pretty fast, it's only five minutes away.
Once I arrived, a worker walked up to me holding the next clue, "I believe this is for you." "Thank you," I said, and opened it.
Santa knows whether you've been naughty or nice. Go across the way and ask for some sugar and spice.
There's a Starbucks across the street, and nothing else, so that must be it. It's close enough to walk, so I flip up my hood and cross the snowy street.
"Hi what can I get started for you?" the barista asks. I re-read the note. 'Ask for sugar and spice.'
"Can I have some sugar and spice?" I ask.
Then with a knowing look, the barista makes a hot drink in a grande holiday cup. She hands it to me with a note taped to it. "It's already paid for," she smiles.
I thank her and get on my merry way back to my car and open the note. I notice a nickel taped to it.
Make a wish.
There's a large, glorious fountain in the middle of the outdoor shopping mall. We make a wish every time we are there. It's a thirty minute drive into town.
The whole way there, I blast my Christmas music. This really is turning out to be a great day. I got out of my car and walked to the fountain to make my wish. Of course I can't tell you what it is. The nickel hit the water with a splash, and then a familiar face emerged.
"Hey y/n, this is for you," Daniel's best friend Jonah said, handing me the next clue.
"Thanks!" I unfolded the paper and read it.
I hope your wish comes true. This one's easy- her name starts with a B as in blue.
Immediately, I knew where I had to go. My best friend, Brianna's house. She lives down here in the city.
"Good luck!" Jonah called to me as I started running back to my car.
"Thanks!" I shouted back, eager to pay my good friend a visit.
As soon as I arrived at her house, she was waiting at the door. I engulfed her in a very merry hug.
"This is for you," she smiled and handed me the paper.
Good job baby, you've made it to your last clue. Now come join me at the place where I first kissed you.
The ice rink. It was senior year, three years ago at the ice skating rink. I look up and see Brianna holding my ice skates.
Looking at Brianna I shout, "I gotta go!" I give her a hug, grab my skates and run to my car.
"Go get your man!" she shouts at me.
I quickly reverse out of her driveway and drive to the rink. Unfortunately, I'm caught up in traffic since people are just now getting off work and are trying to hurry home for their Christmas break.
Thirty long minutes later, I park crookedly in the lot, and walk to the rink where I see Daniel holding my favorite holiday treat; my grandma's cinnamon gingerbread cookies.
His face lights up when he sees me, filling my heart with joy. I hurry to get my skates on my cold feet, and as soon as I do, I slide across the ice, right into his arms and kiss him like I never have before.
"I can't believe you did all this for me," I hold up all the crumpled clues in my hand.
"I actually have one more," he says, handing me another paper.
My brows furrow and once again I am confused, but I take it from him nonetheless. My frozen fingers unfold the paper. My heart skips a beat when I read his distinct hand writing.
Marry me?
I look up from the paper to see him down on one knee with a sparkling diamond ring in a red velvet box. I nod, all my words stuck in my throat as tears start to spill from my eyes. He smiles really wide, his blue eyes concentrated on sliding the ring onto my finger.
Cheering and shouting breaks out, scaring the crap out of me, and I look behind me, seeing all the people he had involved in the scavenger hunt. My sobbing mom, being one of those people.
"I love you so much," I kiss him.
"I love you more," he smiles, kissing me once more.
That's some Christmas magic, what do you think?
Does your family have any special traditions?
IG: dangerousxwdw

FanfictionWelcome to my wattpad or welcome back to my wattpad. This is a compilation of imagines I wrote about the members of why don't we. Just to clarify, some of these imagines can be found on my instagram. If they say extended, they are the extended ver...