Song Recommendations
True Love by Ariana Grande
All I Want For Christmas Is You by Fifth HarmonyOn the first day of Christmas, he confessed. He had told me that I'm more than just a friend to him. "Y/n, I can't wait another day to tell you how much you mean to me," his brown eyes peered into mine, chocolatey and warm like a cup of hot cocoa, "I know you feel it too." I had run off, afraid to stare my true feelings for him in the face. What if everything became different, and if we don't work out, what would happen to us?
On the second day of Christmas, I confessed. I dusted off my snowy boots and waltzed right into his house to face the music. "I feel the same way," my heart raced, my chest burned, exhaling crisp, frozen air, inhaling warm, cookie tainted air, "but nothing can happen. I can't risk losing you." I left as quickly as I came, back into the brisk winter morning. I didn't know it, but my actions had hurt him more than I had ever intended.
The third day of Christmas felt desolate. It was a melancholy December day filled with memories as grey as the sky. Life was so different without him, almost everything seemed pointless. However, I suppose that if I didn't have to be so sorrowful on this day, I never would have had such a great day on the fourth day of Christmas. It took me twenty-four hours to recognize my raw feelings.
On the fourth day of Christmas, I ran into his arms. "I don't care anymore, I love you far too much not to take the risk." He smiled as wide as the Grand Canyon, as white as the snow, and he told me that he loves me too.
On the fifth day of Christmas, we took a stroll in Central Park, wrapped up in a blanket of snow. We came across a holiday food truck selling all kinds of holiday treats and the most rich hot cocoa that will ever touch the tip of your tongue and warm your stomach. "We'll take two of your hottest chocolates," Jack gave our order to the woman wearing a fuzzy red and white Santa hat. We received our hot chocolates just a few moments later, both of us burning our tongues because we hastily took a sip. We passed children playing in the park, with their mothers and fathers chasing them, trying to get them back in the car. I can't count how many taxis wizzed by us, but all I was focused on was Jack's warm hand slipping into mine, and intertwining our fingers. My shivering body immediately warmed from the gesture.
On the sixth day of Christmas, I visited Jack at his house, decorated in red, green and white. I stepped inside, seeing all his sisters spread out in different rooms handing garland, banners and thumbtacking lights around every doorway, decorations scattered across the wooden floorboards. I see Jack, carefully placing ornaments on the tall, wide pine tree in the room where they gather Christmas morning. When Jack sees me, he rushes over to hug me. He pulls away and a smile stretches across his face just before he looks up above us. "Mistletoe," he says. Tossing my head back, I see the hanging green plant placed perfectly above us. I return my gaze to him, a smile still etched on his face. We both slowly inch towards each other, and smile into our first kiss.
On the seventh day of Christmas, Jack called my home phone. "Have a surprise for you," he tells me over the line, "check your email." I walk to my simple square room, festive and bright, and turn on my laptop to check my inbox. The page loads, and I just see two tickets to the Jingle Ball concert in Madison Square Garden. "Are you serious?" I inquire excitedly into the phone. "I'm serious, a friend of mine ended up not able to go because he caught a cold. Be ready to be picked up tomorrow at four pm sharp."
On the eighth day of Christmas, Jack picked me up at four pm sharp, just as he told me. It was a magical night, full of everyone's favorite holiday songs sung by many talented singers. It was a night I would never forget.
On the ninth day of Christmas, Jack visited me at my house just to play video games and sip some hot apple cider with me. Just like old times.
On the tenth day of Christmas, I realized just how much I have fallen for Jack in the past few days. It's like my soulmate was right in front of me this whole time and I'm only now realizing it. I'm so lucky for it, some people never get this feeling, and it is my Christmas wish that every single person meets at least one person to love who loves them just as much.
On the eleventh day of Christmas, I wound up at Jack's door, my heart full of love, ready to give it all to him. "Y/n, what are you doing here, it's Christmas Eve," He asked, but I only answered with a kiss. It wasn't just a kiss, it was one full of all the feeling in my body, all my passion, so much that my toes tingled. With one hand, I pushed him back into his house, closing the door behind me. Grabbing his hand I ran into his room and shut the door. Jack had picked up what I put down and understood exactly what I was doing there. His lips met mine, hands in my hair, and he slowly walked us towards his bed. Items of clothing were picked off one another and thrown onto the floor, leaving a trail, until finally, we were bare in front of each other. We fell into bed, and his lips danced along my skin, leaving goosebumps everywhere he went. My fingers left indents on his shoulders, and scratches down his back as we made love. "Love you so much," he whispered, leaning his forehead against mine.
On the twelfth day of Christmas, I woke up in his arms. Everything in my life seemed to be put together, all the puzzle pieces had finally been snapped into place. "Merry Christmas baby," he said with his gravelly morning voice. "Good morning babe," I smiled. I went back to my family in time to open presents and engage in our regular Christmas Day traditions. Later that day, I realized a beautiful ring on my finger that I had not put there. Jack must've slipped it on my finger whilst I was asleep. I picked up the home phone and dialed his number. "Did you finally notice the ring?" he asked. "Yeah, it's beautiful." "It's a promise ring. I would've proposed to you already, but I know we are young, so with that ring, I promise that it will happen some day." "I love it," tears welled up in my eyes. "Merry Christmas," he said. "Merry Christmas," I replied happily.
I hope you enjoyed!
What's on your Christmas list?
IG: dangerousxwdw

FanfictionWelcome to my wattpad or welcome back to my wattpad. This is a compilation of imagines I wrote about the members of why don't we. Just to clarify, some of these imagines can be found on my instagram. If they say extended, they are the extended ver...