J.M.| New Years Eve

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Christmas has passed, and the holidays are winding down, which means things can go back to normal. If I'm being honest, I'm ready for the festivities to be over. There's always so much pressure around this time of year. Pressure to get the perfect gifts, pressure to look your best so your family doesn't give you back handed compliments about your outfit (even though they do no matter what), pressure of the questions asked such as: "why don't you have a boyfriend" and "what are you doing with your life?"

I'm sick of it, and now today brings the pressure to find someone to kiss at midnight. It's not just any regular kiss, it's a New Years Eve kiss. Seriously though, whoever came up with that anyway? All it has ever done is make me feel extra lonely.

Here in New York, New Years Eve is especially hectic. It's where the famous ball drop happens in Times Square. Singers perform and everything, it's a whole ordeal and I'd rather avoid it altogether, that's why I've invited my good friend Jonah over, so we can get drunk and miss the whole thing.

The doorbell rings, cutting my thoughts off.

"You're late," I smack his shoulder but let him inside anyway.

"Sorry, I know you said that you don't want to go out today, but I planned something for us. I promise you'll enjoy it or you have permission to call me by my middle school nickname for the first half of 2020," he speaks quickly.

"An opportunity to call you something embarrassing for half a year? Deal," I shake his hand.

"Yes," he punches the air with his fist, "okay go put this on," he hands me a box.

I balance the box on top of my head and sarcastically say, "it's on."

"No, dumbass, go put the dress on," he rolls his eyes playfully.

"You want me to wear a dress?" I squint at him, he knows I hate dresses because of the way they look on me.

"Just do it,"he sighs.

"Okay Nike," I roll my eyes and walk to my bathroom to get changed.

I lift the lid off the box and see a deep red, silky material. I smile a little, red is my favorite color. I take the dress out and hold it up, getting a good look at it. It's a little more snug than what I usually wear. In New York, girls get cat called more than most places, so I wear baggier clothes-although that doesn't stop some of them anyway.

I slip into the dress and check my appearance in the mirror. This is probably the best I've looked in a dress, and it's crazy how a guy-Jonah nonetheless-picked out the right one. My feet timidly carry me out to the living room where Jonah is sat on the couch.

"So?" I ask.

For a while he just sits there, bottom lip captured between his teeth, and dark blueish grey eyes fixated on me.

He clears his throat once he realizes that he's been staring, "perfect, you ready to go?"

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"I'm not telling you," he says, walking to the door.

"Fine," I huff and slip on some flats.

I'm not about to wear heels tonight especially if we have to walk where we are going.

30 Minutes Later

"I can't believe you brought me up here to see the ball drop, you know we aren't supposed to be up here," I cross my arms.

"Come on, it's not like we're the only ones up here," Jonah shrugs.

I look around the rooftop of the building with the best view of the ball drop and see about two dozen other people wearing glittery and dressy clothes, holding glasses of bubbly champagne. I even see a few people I recognize, like some of Jonah's bandmates and their girlfriends.

"Just let loose a little," Jonah says, handing me a glass of champagne with a smile.

After mingling with some familiar faces, and a few glasses of champagne, I start loosening up just like Jonah said. I haven't been able to find him for a while now though.

"I should get back to my boyfriend now," Christina, a close friend of mine smiles, "It's time for the countdown!"

Everyone starts shouting from the number ten and counting backwards and I can't help but feel alone, everyone is paired up for their kiss.

"3...2...1...Happy New Year!"

I watch as everyone kisses their loved one, but my thoughts are interrupted by a tap on my shoulder and before I know it, I'm spun around and locking lips with someone.

My eyes flutter shut as this person kisses me with fire. The amazing kiss only lasts about seven seconds, but my god, I feel my knees become weak as we pull away. I look into familiar eyes and see a smile contained by a lip bite.

Holy shit, I never knew kisses like that existed.

"Sorry," Jonah apologizes, "I-"

I cut him off, "shut up let me see something."

My small hands grasp his face and kiss him once again with just as much fire and tension that he kissed me with and pull away.

"Holy shit," he mumbles.

"Yeah," I look at him.

"I think you should take me home," I whisper, grabbing his hand and running down the stairs of the building.

We rush to my apartment, making out in the elevator, and making out right outside my door as I try to locate my keys in my purse.

I finally get the door open and as soon as it shuts, I'm picked up and pushed against it. My legs wrap around Jonah's waist while he buries his head in the crook of my neck, sucking and biting down on the skin there while my hands tangle in his hair.

The straps of my dress fall down and Jonah uses this to his advantage, biting down on my shoulder and marking me up all over.

He sets me down right before the bed and I unbutton his shirt and unzip his pants, hurrying to have him inside me. Our clothes get tossed all over my bedroom floor. Jonah rolls a condom on and slides into me, curling his hips into mine, burying his head in my neck, leaving even more love bites. My whole neck will be purple by the time he's done with me; thank god it's turtleneck season.

He feels so amazing, it's like he's only focused on pleasuring me, and I'm only focused on him feeling good.

"Are you gonna cum?" he asks between pants.

"Yeah," I breathe out.

"Ugh fuck," he groans after a few more thrusts, releasing into the condom.

"Damn," I whisper, absolutely mind blown.

He rolls off of me and lays beside me.

Some might say it was the champagne, but I choose to believe it was some holiday magic.




Is it hot in here?

Happy New Year! How old will you be turning this year?

IG: dangerousxwdw

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