Chapter One

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Tengfei Wu wore his white crane hanfu robe, with a hand-embroidered red robe draped over his shoulders, he looked a the piece of paper that was in Japanese, it was his classes. He was given a week to find a club to join. But his Japanese was lacking in major departments, he could speak more than he could read but his speaking was that of a primary student. He was allowed to wear his own choice of clothing to school as long as it was appropriate, the school made the teachers clear that they didn't want to upset his family and possibly be killed. Tengfei was a sight to behold, he stood out like a sore thumb. 

He looked to be ripped out of an old historical painting of a Chinese emperor but with his odd looks, he looked to be ripped out of a fantasy manga. Under the sunlight, his waist-length hair shone whiter than a new printed page. His skin was almost vampire-esque which was highly complimented by the white hanfu and red cloak, his eyes were just as odd as his hair. His right iris was the color of amber flames. His left was the color of Egyptian blue rivers. His body was also a luscious sight, he stood at six foot eight, which was extremely tall for a second-year student. He was only seventeen. Not able to be seen for the hanfu, his physique. It was like nothing anyone had ever seen before. His body was drool-worthy. He had a chiseled chest and the skin on it would glow. His abdominals were sculptured to perfection as his eight-packs would pop, instantly giving off the impression that he came out of a Calvin Klein shoot. For his arms. His biceps were threatening yet lean and his triceps looked like diamonds extremely rare ones, and completing his masterpiece of a bodice, his shoulders, round and broad, gave his whole look a new flavor to society. All hidden beneath the hanfu. His father called him 'little ant' only for the fact he was freakishly strong, being able to lift several times his own weight. If his father hadn't witnessed his birth, he would have believed the child who called him father was taken from the heavens. No matter how long you looked at Tengfei, you could never stare enough. He felt self-conscious about his odd looks, his family always said he looked like a god, but seeing everyone around him have normality in their looks. He grew to be shy about his looks.

He walked down the semi-crowded hallways, wind from the schools cracked open windows blew in and the wind fluttered his hanfu along with his hair behind him. It looked like he was walking down a runway with a fan blowing his hair behind him. Students gawked, drooled, and muttered. He was currently enrolled in Morimori Academy, a private all-male boarding school deep in the mountains. This was the time students would be in their clubs, he felt eyes on him and he shied away from the cluster of boys that were drolling on themselves, he kept walking looking at the signs above the doorways searching for a sign that he might hopefully recognize. 

His feet stopped when his eyes locked on some writing above a door, photography club. He liked seeing landscape pictures. He opted for music, something he could do with either singing or playing an instrument but taking photos he would be fine with. He held the paper in his hands knocking on the door. There was no response so he slid open the door ducking in so his head wouldn't hit the door frame, he looked around seeing no-one, the thing his eyes did lay on was three white bunnies in a cage beside what looked to be a photo shoot area. He blinked biting his bottom lip. He couldn't resist and he went to the cage opening it picking up all three bunnies sitting on the ground putting them in his lap. He had no regrets. He couldn't stop the musical chuckles that escaped his lips as the fluffy creatures climbed his chest licking his face. One fell asleep in his lap, the second burrowed into his hanfu close to his chest sleeping, the third was wide awake playing in his hair, burrowing into the nape of his neck. Another silky chuckle escaped as he picked the bunny from his shoulder nuzzling his nose against it "Tuzi" he said what the creature was in Chinese. It licked on his nose and once again a chuckle escaped. 

Wooden creaking floorboards caught his attention and he looked over his shoulder to see a blonde boy with bright blue eyes lurch at him sitting on the ground beside him "Are you wanting to be a new member?" Tengfei recognized the words are you and new he blinked "Yes, new. Yengfei Wu" his japanese pronunciation sound off and the boys eyes brightened seeing this one was a foreigner "You're the new student I've heard about" he smiled. Tengfei only nodded seeing it would be dumb to repeat himself. Tengfei raised a hand to his chest "Tengfei Wu, seventeen" Keiichi caught on putting his own hand to his chest "Keiichi Akemi, eighteen" Tengfei nodded happily "Keiichi-senpai" Keiichi could feel an arrow go threw his chest. He turned to his four other companions "We got a new member!" Tengfei Wu tilted his head looking to the other boys that walked in. He held up the bunny waving a paw at them "I'm new, Tengfei Wu"

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