Chapter 13 - //Wherever You Are//

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I got up later and went to see Jake. He was on the phone to someone, and it sounded like a girl. I sat on his bed while waiting for him to finish his call. When he did I moved up and pulled up his sleeve. His scars had almost gone. I looked up at him and smiled. He was doing so well. My smile faded a bit when I remembered why I had to talk to him. 

"Jake, I think it's time that we go back" I said solemnly. 

I had been thinking about it while in bed. We had been here for a while and who knows how much of a wreck dad would be by now. He was alone. I actually felt bad for him. We had kind of just disappeared. But then again, there was a reason for it. And it was his own fault, he knew exactly what he did. Jakes face dropped.

"No. I'm not ready to go back" He said looking down.

"Jake you have to face dad sometime" I said.

"It's not that." He mumbled.

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"Uh.. Its um.. This girl. Her name is Carrie. She's absolutely amazing and I can't leave now. I can't leave her" I looked at Jake sadly and ran a finger through my hair.

"Then what are we going to do? I can't just leave you here. But I can't force you to come either. What if she came with us?" I said as a compromise. Honestly, I hated having to be the adult sometimes.

"Her parents are really strict. So I doubt it. But I guess I'll still ask" He sighed. I felt horrible for him. I didn't want to rip him away from Carrie, but I didn't want to just leave him either.

I stood up and walked through to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. I thought about everything that the people on Twitter had said about me. I wasn't that ugly was I? I looked myself straight in the eye. Maybe I was as horrible as they said I was. They must have been telling the truth, but I was to blind to see it. I was an ugly fat bitch and it was all my fault. I should just go die like they said. Tears started flowing down my cheeks. I was horrible. I was a horrible person and I didn't understand how anyone had stuck around.

I stepped closer to the mirror and opened the cabinet. I grabbed a razor and looked at it. I had to force myself to put it down. I grabbed a bottle of pills to and opened it. I poured a handful out and picked it up. I held it close to my mouth and looked at myself again. I dropped my hand and let the pills fall to the ground. I collapsed and curled into a ball. What was I doing? I started crying until it hurt my throat. I was so frustrated, confused, angry and sad all at once. I started to cry out louder. Jake came rushing in and looked around. His eyes glanced over at me and he knelt down. He pulled me into a hug and I hugged back like my whole life depended on it.

Luke walked past the door, stopped, then walked back to see the damage. I was still crying, hard. A stray tear fell down his cheek. He walked away. I let go of Jake and shakily stood up. I felt dizzy, and almost collapsed again as Jake caught me. I stepped slowly out the door. I slipped on my black converse headed out of the hotel room. I walked down flights of stairs until I reached the bottom. I walked outside and to the nearest park. I sat down on a bench quietly. I heard footsteps and whispers behind me but I ignored it. I sat cross legged with my head down on the bench. Suddenly two hands grabbed my arms. I was dragged, kicking and screaming then thrown into a van. I hit my head hard enough to make it bleed. I felt blackness take over and started to lose consciousness...


My eyes fluttered open to be met with the same van I was thrown into before. Except this time we were speeding along the highway. I didn't have much time to think of an escape. I was going to have to be quick and tactful. I closed my eyes and started to sing. Someone in the front banged on the glass.

"PIPE DOWN WILL YAH?" He sounded angry. Perfect. I started to sing louder. Another 2 bangs. Just a little bit louder and..

The car stopped. He pulled over. I could hear him jumping out and coming around the back to open the doors. Suddenly the doors flew open and I saw an angry man standing there with clenched fists. I attempted to jump out but he grabbed me. I kneed him hard then dug my nail under his cheek. He fell down, curled up like a kid in pain. I made a dash for it. I ran and ran. I didn't even know how far I ran, but I just wanted to get the hell out of there. I kept running until I was far away, along a street full with houses. I was out of breath. I needed a phone to call Luke or Jake.

I looked around, trying to find the friendliest looking house. I walked down the street a little then went up a driveway. I knocked o the door. The lady who answered looked very surprised. Tears started filling my eyes but I blinked them back. She looked me up and down.

"May I help you?" She asked, unsure.

"Can I please use your phone? I just got lost and I need to call someone to pick me up" I asked in my kindest voice. She still looked unsure, but she slowly nodded. 

She opened the door wider for me to walk through and led the way to the phone. I dialled Lukes number.

"H-Hello?" I said.

"Alyssa?! Where are you!? We've been looking everywhere for you!" He said sounding frustrated.

"Long story. I'll tell you later. But now please can you come and pick me up?" I said, close to tears again.

"Sure" He said, slightly relieved. I gave him the details and he showed up 15 minutes later. I jumped into his car and shut the door.

I was so relieved couldn't speak for the whole ride back.

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