6] New Student?

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3rd Person Pov
[Note: this takes after the royal vegance but I planing to keep the prince]

All of the princes and Alex is in the Vice principal Room with Vice Principal Evan. They heard the door knock.

"You may come in"Godfreg say. The door open Revealing beautiful girl that is same height as Alex.

"Hello, I'm Y/N. Alex's twin, younger by 1 minute"Y/N say giving them a smile. Y/N walk and Hug Alex. Alex face turn Red before Hug her Again.

"N-nice t-to see y-you a-again Y-Y/N"Alex say stuttering. Y/N look over to the prince.

"Hello, Your Highness"Y/N say and give them a bow. The princes blush at her action.

"Hello, Y/N"they say in unison.

"She will study her along with you guys and Y/N. --Look at The Princess and Y/N-- and She Will Sleep In same Hostel as Prince Gion and Prince Shintarou since The hostel that consists of Alex and Other Princes can't afford more Person. But she is Allow To Visits Alex"Vice Principal Godfreg say while Look at The Princes to see Wherter any of The disagree.

"Anyone Objection?"Vice Principal Godfreg add. The Princes Look at Each Others, Then They Look at Alex and Finally They Eyes shifted To Y/N.

"No, Sir Godfreg"They say In Unison. They all Went Out Of The Vice Principal Office and Walk In Peaceful Silence until.

"Konichiwa Y/N.I'm Prince Hibino Junta Second Prince Of Japan. Shintarou's Little Brother and Sayuuki's Elder Brother"Junta say Walking Backwards With his Hand Sticking out To Y/N. Y/N A Bit Shocked and Drop Her Phone.

"H-hello, Prince Junta. Nice To meet You"She say and Shakes Her Hand With His. The Others Still Remain Quite.

"Hmm.... Wait -- Y/N stop walking which Cause Other Princes to Stop And Look at Her-- I FORGOT! I SUPPOSED TO BE AT THE CAFE NOW"Y/N say and Leave The Princes Dumbfounded before Rush To follow her incase she Missing.

///At The Cafe///


The Princes Watch as Y/N approach A group Of People. They asking her Questions and Its Reveal The Group is a Girls not a Boys. The Girls and Y/N went inside and Sit on The Table The Prince Sit Behinds Them and Make Sure Not To Be seen.

"I thought You Gonna Leave Us waiting until Tomorrow" a Familiar voice To Vladimir is heard.

"Yeah, I Thought so"The Unknown voice say.

"Say Y/N, Did You Meet My Brother or Any of Our Brothers?"a voice That is known well By Gion say.

"Hmm, I meet The Princes but The Only One I Know His Name is Prince Junta. Who appeared to Be Sayuuki Brothers."Y/N Voice is Heard and She Doesn't seem Shy or Scared Talking With Them.

"Bruh! That so Rude of them."Say another Voice That Only Familiar to Albert.

"And That So Inappropriate for A Princess, Princess Alice"Y/N Voice Is Heard again.

"Geez, Y/N. You Just Like Su Jung, Neelam and Maria. Way To Break A Mood"Alice say Again.

"Did You Really Need to drag Me, Sum Jung and Neelam Into This? "Maria Ask.

"I don't drag You Guys. Its You guys are The One That Follow Me Here. Right Celia?"Alice ask Celia Who is Eating the cakes.

"Actually, Its You The One Who Spy On Katherine and Felia To see Where They Go. Then You Drag Us To Follow You"Celia Say while Look At Her With 'Really?' Face.

"I guess Only Gina and Sayuuki Understand me"Alice say.

"No"Both of The Princes say. Alice start Sulking Until Giggle can Be Heard From Y/N.

"C-H-I-L-D-I-S-H"You spell out to Alice.

"Childish!"the Other Princesses say.

"Hey! You guys Team Up To bully me!"Alice Shout a Bit.

"No we Not, Its Just You Really Childish sometimes. Wonder If Your Brother See This Or Maybe Records Them"Katherine Say who already Aware That all of Their Brothers is Listening.

"What Did You Mean?"Alice Say.

"Hmm,Alex. Are You Listening to me?"They Look to Where Y/N is. And Yes, She Standing Behind On knees Peeking at The Princes.

The Princes Sigh and Approach them. They Look all of Their Sister is Giving Them Glare and Mad.

"Rude"Come Out From Y/N, Alice, Katherine and Sayuuki Mouth as They Stared At Their Brother.

"And Here I Thought That Alice Is The Only One Who Rude"Su Jung Say.

"Yeah, and Even You Junta and Alex?"Y/N say and Look at The Boys With disappointment.

"Its You The One Who don't Tell Us Where You Going, Beside. You make Us Worried About you disappearing. "A Prince Of Italy say Glaring Back At The Young Girl.

"Brother!"Gina Shout In Shocked as she See Her Brother Is Glaring At Her Own Bestie.

"Me? Excuse Me, Your Highness. I Know My Way Around Here.If I
Recalled. I already say I'm going to cafe"Y/N Reply to The Princes Of Italy.

"And You Princesses, Aren't You Guys Have A School To attend"The Prince of Germany  Say to Break the tension Between You and The Prince Of Italy.

"Why don't We Get To Know Each Other and Have an Introduction session Instead Of Fighting"Junta Say.

"Hmm, Not Bad. Y/N's Stay Place"Alice Say and Drag Y/N Out Running from The Princes.

"Bye!"The Princesses shout and Ran From Their Brother. The Brothers Sigh Before Went To search Their Sister.

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