[11] Alex and Y/N's Identity

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Next Day ~

3rd POV.

"We need to Help shipwreck Victims?"Charles Ask Clueless.

"Yes. Obviously, every candidate is unable to show their advantages in this school environment. "Godfreg say to them. Alex stand On His left meanwhile Y/N stand On His right.

"To proof your Leadership, you must get out of Comfortable zone and Help People In need. Whoever willing to proceed this Challenge may Continue as Stundent'Council President candidate" Godfrey Continue with stern Gaze. The princes seem to thinks about It as Y/N and Alex stand still.

"I never met With shipwreck victim. I only See them on TV"Ciel say while look down.

"Me too"Albert say. Charles think.

"I know! They are homeless people right? "Felix say in confident.

"I don't think you know"Leon say. They heard giggles. When they look up they meet with Y/N who look at them with eyes smile. Most of the princes blush at that side. Godfreg see this but remain quite.

"Príncipe Félix, la víctima del naufragio fue víctima de un barco naufragado en una vía fluvial debido a fugas"Y/N Say to him. Felix look dumbfounded before nods his head.

"Nice Idea Sir. I accept this Challenge"Charles say.

"Good, Anybody else? "Godfreg ask.

"Those who are Excellent in this Challenge may Proceed as Students Council Candidate? "Prince Gion ask.

"True, I have power for choose this Election processes but other than Do it at School, why not proofs your strength in meaningful way?"Sir Godfreg say. They all stay quite as Y/N and Alex smile.

'This might be the only way to see what they Capable to do'

"Alright, I accept"Gion Say finally. Shintarou put his hand on Gion shoulder and smile.

"If Gion go, I will go to"He say. Sir Godfreg nods.

"Anyone else?"Sir Godfreg ask.

"Charles, Can You don it alone?"Prince Albert nudge Charles and Whisper with him. Charles held a Shock Look.

"Huh?! Aren't you Going too?'Charles ask.

"I heard the shipwreck Victim a bit harder.... I'm scare"Ciel say as Leon and Felix nods.

"You... "Charles say while Sweatdrop and Lose his Voice.

"After Everything that Happen They Must Be Dissapointed and Pressure"Y/N say.

" But if there someone who willing to help them they must be A bit Happy." Alex Continue her.

"So, Why don't we all Go?" They say together.

"Alex, Y/N. You two Go too?"Felix ask.

"Yes"They both say while Rubbing their Nape /Back of Their Neck.

"Alex and Y/n  Will Be The Leader of This mission. They both will be my representative. They also Responsible for observe, Record about you and Report direct to Me. "Godfreg explain as They Look at Him.

"S-sir"Alex say.

"H-How come Alex and I Watch them alone?"Y/N say Shocked.

"Its my decision. You two say, We can Give Up for Make the Dream Reality. I choice this because hear yours Option. Now prove it to yourself. This Is also Quest for you. Good luck"Sir Godfreg say while smiling at the twins who Having Flashback of Yesterday.

"We Understand. We will Do Our Best"They Both say while Smiling and Hype up.

///Outside Vice Principal's Room///

"This is a Hard Challenge. We do our best to succeed"Alex say as Gion Pin Him To the wall.

"Hey! What are you Doing?!"Charles and Y/N Shout at Him. Livio when to front and Shield Gion.

"You.. What to you say to sir Godfreg? "Gion ask anger can Be Heard in his voice.

"No.. Nothing at at all. I just don't cancel the Competition"Alex say.
(Sorry I'm doing when I sleepy and Can't get the right word)

"Why he Listen to you? "Gion ask again feel unstatified. Alex almost crying but still answer him.

"I-I also Don't know. I just being Honest. I didn't make everyone seem bad" Ciel had Enough and walk past Livio and Pull Alex To him.

"Don't touch him anymore "Ciel say Calmly.

"Alex Don't need to obey you, why would you treat him like this"Ciel say in angry tone now.

"Prince Gion... "Livio was stop by Gion who rise his hand.

"Sorry. I been rude"Gion say.

"I await for this Challenge. I hope you won't disappoint me"He say walking away and Drag Y/N With Him.

"Such a Weirdo"Ciel say.

//with Gion Gang//

"Livio, I want you to do some research about Him"Gion say.

"Hey! His My Brother"Y/N say. Gion Look at The Girl next To Him and Hold Her waist.

"Alright, I do it"Livio say as He and Shintarou watch Y/N who try to take Gion Hand Off From her waist.

"You want to investigate that kid?why suddenly interest in him?"Shintarou ask while crossing his arm and look at Y/n who hitting Gion's Arm.

"Why you say that?"Gion ask giving shintarou a side glance before tighthen his arm on you.

"Let go of me"Y/n shout as the trio sigh but the owner of the arms doesn't let go of her.

"I use to check his background before but I can't find anything"Livio say.

"We already know one thing for sure.He not prince of Broccoli like they say"Gion smirk and give the girl in his hold a kiss on cheek yet that didn't stop her from shouting.

"Ha! If my brother and I are the royalty then why would I bother staying at this boy academy instead of girl"Y/n shout before being smack on head by Shintarou and a pinch by Gion.

"We need to meet them in Meeting room this evening."Shintarou say.

"Don't even bother seat near those other prince except Shintarou and I"Gion say. You mocked his talking which cause Shintarou  to snicker and Livio sweatdrop.

"You lucky I wanna see my brother"She mumbles. The two prince hum at the respond.


"I wonder, How could you sprain your ankle?"Gion sigh as he pinch his nose. Y/n seat on the couch with her arm cross as Livio tend her and Shintarou sips his tea on the other side of the couch.

"I wouldn't if Shintarou didn't scare me on purpose"You say in defence. Shintarou spit his water on Gion's shirt.

"Shintarou!"Gion shout as he went to his room. Livio get up and try to help Gion as Y/n and Shintarou alone.

"Welp,I already act my part"You say as you playing your phone.

"Little devil"Shintarou mumbles.

"You the one who don't wanna see them and tell me to act like I'm injured. Now, your turn"She pretend to sleep as Gion and Livio approach them.

"Luckily there not war like last time"Gion say.

"She injured duh"Shintarou say as he doing his homework.


Hello Everyone,
I'm back don't worry about my safety or health. I'm fine. And Happy New Year,Everyone. Stay safe and drink water a lot. Love you.

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