[9] Nightmare Begin

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Your POV

Everyone seems happy and Cheerful for this Food Festival. Even Prince Gion and Prince Shintarou.

There a Lot of Girl around Gion store to see Him not To buy the Food. Even Livio Help Out. Alex is Carry a box of Vegetables to Prince Albert Store. He then Give Livio a wave.

"Look at that! The stall in Front of us are So Lively"Prince Charles say as he Appear next to Alex and I.

"They Food Look delicious and tasty"Alex say as they stomach Grumbles.

"I'm hungry"Charles say while Alex Giggled a Little.

"You guys Should Eat Before we begin"I say sweatdrops.

"Did You guys Forgot each other Responsibility?"Prince Albert say as he holding spatula.

"Eh? We need to do too?"Alex and Prince Charles say.

"Do you have any other Talent?"Albert ask Them again as irk marked.

"Not Because I can't cook. you want me embarrassed Myself"Charles say while Scratching his Cheek. Albert eyes turn dark a bit and Look angry. Totally Worst than Alice.

"Are you giving Up?"He ask in dark tone.

"No!.... That Not what we mean... "They say in Scared Tone. Honestly if I'm not Helping Gion white His pasta I would Laugh Right now but still I just Chuckle at them.

"What wrong?"Gion ask.

"Nothing, Your Highness"I say and Continue doing My work.

"SO GO ATTRACT SOME CUSTOMER"Albert suddenly Shout at The two.

"Right!"They say and salute at him.

Fresh! Fresh!
Fresh! Fresh!

Everyone Is Welcome!
German, French and Spain Food!
So delicious, Make You want More!

Alex and Charles sing with red Fast. Albert than Take the Speaker.

"Louder! Put your hand Higher!"He say while one arm rest On His Hip. Everyone laugh or let a small Giggled at Them.

"Enough. That so embarrassing"Leon say while Cover His face with His Hand.

"Hmm? Seem Fun"Felix say while examine them. He about to Join Them.

"Wait, Felix!"Leon say holding his apron.

"Stop! They are Princes. How Could You let them embarrassed themselves?"Prince Ciel say while holding a scoop.

'Actually, Alex and I are Children of This Island Founder and Owner'I mentally say.

"Ciel"Alex and Charles say while Look at Him With tears in their Eyes.

"What is Your Opinion about That Dance?"Albert ask Him with Anger In His Voice.

"Seriously, They still Talking about That?"Shintarou say Next to me.

"When did You Ever Get Here?"I ask Him.

"A while ago. Just to see what You Watching"Shintarou say looking down at me. Me and Alex is at same high.

"Honestly, that Lyrics and Dance it too Childish. Its not Gonna attract Customer. "Ciel say while thinking.

3rd POV

"If you wanna Dance, choose Ballet which is More Elegant. You can Show Your Princely Attractive. Wear This Clothes and I teach You"Ciel Continue while make A Ballet Posture. Charles Make a Poker face and throw The Uniform To Charles.

"No, Thanks"Charles say. He then Grab The swan Neck [If You Now What I mean]

"You just want To search for trouble? "Ciel ask Charles as he Clearly Annoy.

"Why you mad?"Charles ask Innocently.

"Because of You"Ciel say. Then, Two Fat Boy who Look alike come.

"So It's True. The Princes is having Food Carnival. "One of Them say.

"Ya, Come on"The Other one say

"Excuse me"They say as Leon and Felix Look at Them With Normal Expression.

"Can we know what You sell?"One of Them ask.

"Customers"Felix say Happily.

"We have Variety Type of Food. This is Spain Special Food, Paella Spain Seafood. "Felix say while Bring Them The Food. Ciel and Albert shared A shocked Expression.

"Woah, Seem Delicious"They say with watery eyes.

With Y/N~

She watch Them Carefully as She Noticed Something off about them.

'Momos Academy's uniform. So, They are this academy student but..... They seem odd. Why they Go There First before This Place? Without Javynn, Junta, Vladimir and Uthman. It's hard' she Though silently.

"Seem like They food Is Popular Too"Livio say Cheerfuly.

"Like The Plan"Shintarou say while adjusting His Glasses.

"Huh?"Y/N and Livio say Look back at Them.

"Ouch, My Stomach..... My stomach hurts!"The Twin say Clutching Down.

"Is it Because Food Poisoning?"One of Them say.

"Hurts!"They Cried.

"Unbelievable. We already make sure every Indigent is Clean and Fresh"Albert say slightly Worried.

"What You two each before this?"Albert ask. Everyone started Whispering to Them.

"Usually if, Food Poisoning it won't hurt this Fast. This is just Misunderstanding"Leon say While Trying to Calm down the situation.

"Yeah, Don't Listen to Them"Ciel and Felix say try To Help Leon as well.

"Our Food Isn't Poisoned"They Sau again while Cried. The twin get Up while showing Peace sign at Livio, Gion, Shintarou and Y/N. Both Y/N and Livio Eyes Widen before Look at Shintarou who Is In The Middle of Them. Shintarou have his arm cross and smirking.

"You.... "Livio trill.

".... Plan all of This? "Y/N finished slightly Glared at The Prince Of Japan.

"Yes. I more like all of This End Fast"Shintarou say.

"But This is Dirty-Play. We suppose to Play Clean"Livio say slightly mad.

"Be a Winner is More Important"Shintarou Reply Flatly.

"I don't care what They Think of me."Shintarou Continue. He then Look Over Livio and Fixed His Gaze To Gion.

"Your Master.... Seem Like He Don't Understand Because of That he Keep Quite."Right after Shintarou Finish. Livio Look alarm. Livio Look at Him.

"Livio... I don't have Enough Hand. Hurry Help Me"Gion say While Looking Down.

"... Yes"He say slowly.

"I understand"He say. Across from Them. The Princes is Mad and Furious.

"Shintarou... Gion"Y/N Call Out as She Sit. The two Prince Look at Her.

"It's.... Not a Good Competition if.... You guys Be Like This"She say. She Then stand Up and Walk To The Other Princes and Her Brother/Twin Stall. The Two Princes Look at Her Figure with a Guilty.


Nice and Clean Play Is More Important than Be a Winner.

It's doesn't matter whether Win or Lose. Its about The Time We Enjoy.

I late Update Because I'm Having a Rough Time Plus I Lost My Connection. Second Because I'm Writing Another Story. Thank You.

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