4] The Siblings

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Your POV

Since the Princesses is all here in class we wait for the teacher to come in. I also have a chat with them until I got a Massage My Twin 💞

My Twin💞

Hello Sister,how was your first day at Poposi?

Hello Brother, Perfect and Good. You?

Good and Perfect. I got a new Classmate and guess what?

Princes? 🤔

Yup! They so nice. Well Except two of them.


Prince Gion Of Italy and Prince Shintarou of Japan.

Bonjour, Alex's sister. Nice to meet You. I'm Prince Ciel of French.

Eh?! Where Alex?!

Sorry about Ciel, He a bit uhmm proud. BTW, I'm Prince Albert of England.

Where Alex?

I put my phone down and sigh.

"Eh?! Baby Girl, What wrong?!  If That Person disturb you?! If he hurt you?! "Su Jung, Neelam and Maria ask and make other princess look at me curiously.

"Well, He is my Brother Alex. I guess other prince got his phone and start to play around "I say nervously.

"Who?! "They ask with they eyes glow red.

"Uhmm, The first One say his Name is Ciel Prince of French and The other one is Albert, Prince of England "I say nervously + Scare with their fierce look.

"Brother/Fréfé"Celia and Alice say and open they phone making a call.

"Su Jung, What is Fréfé mean? "I ask.

"Fréfé mean Brother. Its French words. "Su Jung say.

"You did what?! "Both of them say. They start lecture their brother until the teacher comes in. 

With the boys

"I'm Prince Gion of Italy"Gion say in cold tone.

"I'm Prince Shintarou Hibino First Prince Of Japan"Shintarou Say in cold tone.

"Ohayo Gozaimasu, I'm Prince Junta Hibino of Second Prince Of Japan"Junta say in Cheerful Manners.

~~Skip Prince Introduction ~~

Alex text his twin sister My Twin 💞

My Twin 💞

Hello, Sister. How is your First day at Poposi?

Hello, Brother. Prefect and Good. You?

Good and Prefect.  I got a new Classmate. Guess what?


Yeah, of them are nice except two.


Prince Gion Of Italy And Prince  shintarou of Japan

Prince Ciel then takes my phones and start chat my sister.

"Prince Ciel Please gave my phone back"I say with 😥.

"Wait a minute"Ciel say. Albert then Takes my phones from him and  text my sister.

"Prince Albert, I want my phone back" I say and fiddling with my fingers.

"Here" Albert give back my phones.I check my phone

Bonjour, Alex's Sister. Nice to meet you. I'm Prince Ciel of French.

Eh?! Where Alex?!

Sorry about Ciel, he a bit uhmm proud. BTW, I'm Prince Albert of England.

Where Alex?


I look over the two prince and see they on they phone try to say something. After the prince end the call. I look at the text again and decide to Call my sister.

(You Italic, Alex Bold Italic)

Hello, Y/N?

Annyeonghasayo, I'm Han Su Jung. Y/N still crying Over here.

Oh! Can you pass the phone to her. Please.


Hello, Who*sniffle*is this?

Y/N. Its me Alex. Don't Cry. I'm safe and sound here.

Is it true?

Yes, Don't cry anymore. The Prince just take my phone while I'm texting you. Nothing more.

Okay. I hang up now. The teacher will tell mummy if I still cry. Bye bye

Okay, take care, Bye bye.

As I hang up all the prince look at me.

"Who is she? "All of them as. That when I realize that I put it one speaker.

"My twin little sister, Younger that me by 1 minute. "I say.

"Ehem, Time for the class"The Teachers say.

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