10] Foods War

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"It Their Plan Right?"Albert ask The Girl who stand Next To Her Twin. She look down In disappointment before  Give Them a Little Nod. The Princes when Back inside The Stall and Form a Circle as Y/N Stand There Quite. Her Gaze is Fixed To The Sky Thinking About The Princess, Or To be Exact Her Friend. They are Really Close to Each Other. She Pull Up Her Phone.

The Queenz

Hello, How You Guy Doing There?

Mummy Su Jung
We Good. How about You?

Alice The Badass Queenz
Yeah. We Heard They Having a Competition about Who To Be The Council President.

Yuki Mean Snow
Probably Terrible.

I'm good. Yes, They Have a Competition. And Yes It Pretty Terrible.

Gina Is Kawaii
Hopefully. They Won't Do Something Bad. You know.



Y/N Put down Her Phone and See That The Prince Of Italy Is Taunting Her Twin. She walk To Them To heard What They Talking About.

"Why? Just Because I Save You From Fall From the stair. You think I'm  nice?"Gion say Look down at Alex.

"Funny. Already Forget about The Prince Of South Africa, Russia, Japan, and Saudi Arabia? Who Kidnapped Them? "He ask. Alex Put His Head Down.

"Yes. I do it. I already alot of bad Think. You still Think I Good?"Gion say as he Lean down.

"You too Naive"Shintarou say

"Poor all those Princes Who Get Lock Up"He say In Somewhat Proud Tone. Livio look Guilty.

"Hik... Sob... Hik"Alex Sobbing. Tear Fall down as Y/N Run Up and Hug Him.

"Shush, Its Okay. I'm here"Y/N say to Calm Him.

Your POV

"Alex.... AHH"Livio lost His Word.

'Such as a Git.'

"You are Too Much!"Felix shout ad He Thrown The Table of.

"Prince Felix? You Hide There?!"Alex and I In Worries and Shocked.

"You are Villians!"Felix Shout While Crying.

"FELIX STOP!"I say In Worry. Why? Because He Try to Destroy This Git stall.

"I will Vengeance For Javyvn and Others for Not Being Here Because of You"He say and Thrown All the Food down.

what a waste of Good Food.

"Prince Felix Try To Calm Down!"Alex and I say To Him. But... His anger is More.

I wonder how is Felicia When. She Mad?

"I stop Him. Go to the safe Place fast"Livio say. Shintarou and Gion Suddenly Grab Me With Them.

"W-what?! Hey Let Me Go!"I shout as I Try To Break Free From Them. Gion sigh and Thrown Me Over His Shoulder.

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