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This story will and does cantain sexual and triggering thoughts and action, read at your own risk.


[Nicole's POV]

I walk through the empty hallways to my class. I walk in quietly as everyone's eyes turns towards me. "Oh, look, the slut." I sigh, number one. I walk to the back and sit in the empty chair. This is going to be a shit year, at least I'm a senior. I sigh softly and set my head on the desk as the teacher rambles on about something I don't wanna know.

The bell rings bringing me out of my thoughts. I sigh and rush out of the room to the bathrooms. I need to do something to let some stress out. I walk in a stall and lock it sitting by the clean white brick wall. I take my phone case off and break it. I purposly used my mirror case for this, I take a sharp piece and think where to cut. I sigh and lift up my jeans half way up my calf and cut the back of it. The blood automatically bubbles to the surface and drips down my leg staining my black sock. I sigh and cut more as I feel the stress leave my body. I rest me head against the wall and smile with my eyes closed. I wipe the blood off and roll down my jeans standing up. I toss the phone case piece in the trash as I walk out of the bathroom just in time for lunch actually.

I walk in the lunch room only to find it crowed with people and loud talking. I feel so small as I walk to an empty table pullinf my phone out. I sit down scrolling through my instagram feed as people just post more and more hate on me. I just wish I could escape all of this. Just let the hate stop it sucks it reall does. I sigh and shove my phone away in my pocket as a blonde girl sits in front of me with her two brunette friends standing.

"You must be that slut who pushed my Lukey poo in the street in front of that car."

I look at her in the eyes, "I never pushed him, and it was a truck not a damn car." I defend Luke even tohugh he doesn't know. "Sure, whatever, just don't think you can take him away from me, he loves me, and I'll do anything to meet him." My anger boils in me now, "I've been on tour with him for over 30 weeks, I've had plenty of time to do more than you could ever do in a year with him." I hiss at her.

She scoffs, "Look at your body though, small boobs, short legs, ugly ass hair, Well let's just say God wasn't nice to you as he made you." I bite my lip trying to contain my anger, "Listen, skank, I'm tired of this shit that you're putting on me. I'm sick of it and if you don't appreciate what my body looks like or what I've done to the 4 boys, then you probably haven't looked in a mirror today. Your shirt doesnt match your damn 8 inch heels, and your shirt is riding up your damn ass. Fix it. You're the one over here trelling me how bad I look, when you're the one needing the help. So fuck off and go shove a catus up your ass, maybe that will brighten up your damn mood, skank." I smile and walk out as the whole cafeteria laughs. I feel confident and I walk out ditching school. Badass bitch right here.


[Michael's POV]

I grab her bag as I walk up her front door step. I ring the door bell as her dad opens the door. "Oh, Mr. Cooper uh this is Nicole's bag she took the wrong one and I'm here to get mine back." I say nervously. He nods and walk to her room I asusme and grabs my bag. He comes back with my bag and we change bags,"Thanks."

He gives me a glare that's not to pretty, "What's your name?" He asks, "Michael, Michael Clifford." I respond shaky.

He nods, "Well, see you 'round, kid." he closes the door, and that's it. He's the closest thing I could've seen of Nicole. She has his eyes and his dak hair. I sigh and walk back to the va with my bag. I sit down and look through my things only to find my Metallica T-shirt is missing. My favorite. Then again, she could be wearing it, but I doubt it, she hates me now.

I fall asleep in the car as we drive to the hotel we all will be staying in for one more show to make up the three we canceled. I dream about Nicole.

Ashton wakes me up, "Kid, we're here at the hotel." My blood shot eyes flicker open, "Oh, uh okay." I get up and unbuckle the seat belt. I stand up out of the van grabbing my bag and Ash helps me up to the room I'll be staying in. We walk to the room and I pull of my Gun and Roses t-shirt and my jeans and boots, landing on the bed falling asleep again going into a new dream.

I sit on the floor of an unknown room and I'm holding a fimilar hand. Nicole's. I smile and hold it tightly, "Nicole?" I whisper as she looks at me with her pretty blue eyes that I've fallen for. She's simply beautiful. "I don't want to lose you again NIcole, stay with me forever please."

"I can't promise that Michael, sorry." He gets up as her hand slips from mine, this dream just turned into a nightmare. I tear up as I see her walk away from me "Wait, Nicole please one more chance, please I can make you feel special."

"No Michael, you can't make anyone feels special, everyone hates you can't you see that." She vanishes and I'm awake breathing hard as the moon's light shines through the window. I lay back down scared to fall back asleep. I lay awake, wishing life was back to normal again.


[Nexy day, Nicole's POV]

I wake up yawning knowing I don't have to go to school today. I smile and sit up, I'm glad the hate stopped because I've deleted my Instagram and twitter and started fresh being a normal teenager. I get up and walk to the bathroom to pee. Afterwards, I do my hair and make up and get some clothes so I can go to the mall. I pick out my colorful crop top nd my dark bash colored shorts. I get on my shirt and my shorts, then slip on some clean socks and my white vans come on next. I walk out after getting my purse and phone with a new cat case after I broke my mirror case. I walk to the counter get my dad's keys and walk to the car.

I'm drving to the mall listenting to Bring Me the Horizon. I finall make it to the mall and park once I find a free space. I walk in going straight to Hot Topic first.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading and I hope you're enjoying the story because I am! I love you all so much



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