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This story will contain sexual and triggering thoughts and actions. Please read at your own risk. Thank you. 


[Nicole's POV]

        I panic. I cannot be pregnant. There's no fucking way, this is not happening. I stare down at the plus sign on the pregnancy test. And it says about 1-2 weeks pregnant. I cannot believe this. Maybe the test expired and it's all out of wack? Hopefully.

I lay there motionless shocked and nervous. what will Mikey say to me being pregnant, that is if I am, but still! He could dump me and leave me all alone and I'd be dead metally and physically. I can't tell him, I can't. It's like my life just flashed in front of my face and now it's all crashing down. 

Sometimes you just have to let go and see what happens. 

Stop worrying about what bad things will happen, and look at the good things at will come.

I oush the thoughts out of my head even though they were good ones. I start crying but no tears. My hand creeps towards my phone and I grab it. I scroll though my phone contacts and see Mikey's number. I click it with the opition to call or text, I call him. It rings 4 times and he answers. Loud music in the background blocks out his voice, "MIchael? Where the fuck are you?" I get nervous. A girl appears in the background, obviously drunk. "Come on babe, put down that phone." She says huskily, "You know, never mind Michael, just don't come home." I hang up after hearing his little moan through the phone. I chuck my phone and cry into my pillow harder than normal. 


[A Week Later- Nicole's POV]

I sit on the couch and watch sponge bob. It's really the only thing on to be honest. The door bell rings, my head snaps into the direction of the door and I stare. I slowly get up. No one really comes to my door anymore. Hell, no one is in my life anymore. 

I unlock the door slowly still and the door creeks open slowly, "Hello?" The door is finally open and Michael stands behind it. I'm weak as he opens the door walking in. It feels like a rock is in my throat waiting to go down. Everything that has happened throughout last week and this week it all comes back to me. I'm pregnant, with his baby, He cheated on me, I'm alone, I have no phone, I was kicked out of school, I'm an orphan, and now Michael stands in front of me. I stare at him, "Why are you here?" I ask. He looks down at me and smiles, "I came home..." he looks hurt inside.

"Why? I told you not to come home. You cheated on me in Australia. I'm not forgiving you." I bring my hand up and my hand almost comes in contact with his cheek, but he grabs my wrist and backs me up to the wall, "I dare you to hit me." He says angrily but sexily. I melt right there. "I never cheated on you, Calum answered my phone because I was in the bathroom. I was never at a club, or anythng babe. Trust me. I love you." I throw myself on him and cry into his chest. His big arms wrap around me and cuddle me in, "I'm so sorry! I thught you did and I would be alone with the baby and everything would go wrng and I'm just so sorry Michael." I sob. He looks down at me, "Baby?" Fuck, I said too much.

"Wait, I said baby? Oh I uh." He stops me, "Tell me Nicole, What baby?" I sigh, "Our baby." My voice drops into a low husky voice, "I'm so sorry Michael, I just ruined your entire life." His lips meet mine, everything that I craved for 2 weeks finally came back to me. I kiss him back loving everything- wanting everything. "You didn't ruin my life, you made it even better babe." He kisses me pushing my against the wall even more. I give a little moan, "Babe stop you're turning me on." I smile and grip his shirt, "Good, fuck me harder than ever." I whisper in his ear as he picks me up. 


[Luke's POV]

I lay in the hospital bed, still not dead. A tear slips down my cheek. That's all I want right now, to be dead. More tears run down my face as I sit up and my face falls into my hands, I actually sob. No one is here in the room with me, I could just pull out my IV pin and I could die. Easy. I stare at my freshly cut arms knowing I was so close. If I went a little deeper, I could be gone right now, I stare at the brown wooden door. I am alone. I get out soon, but therapy is right around the corner. I sigh and still sob. 

Once I get out of the hospital I head straight for my room ignoring everything. I grab my phone and the bright screen blinds me a bit. Once my eyes get used to the light, I scroll through twitter, I tweet, "I'm okay guys. I love you all." It sends. I sigh and read through my messages, 

Ashxx: Hey. some news about Nicole and Michael, Theyre having a baby. Be safe bro I love ya!

Mikeyyxx: Dude call me, it's important.

Nikixx: Luke, hey uh I'm sorry, I love you.

Calpallllxx: WAZ UP. Call dude I'm worried

I sigh, A baby? They're seriously having a baby? ALready, he ruined the damn band. Our career is over. It's done. 

I throw my phone and scream out. I walk to my window that's 5 stories up, I could jump. That'd be nice. I open my window and I mile a bit, This is it. No therapy for me, no life anymore. That means no more problems and depression.

Jump Hemmo, No one will miss you, everyone hates you.

Have balls and jump faggot.

You're worthless, Just jump god. No one likes you not even Nicole that's why she's pregant by your best friend.

I shake my head and step out on the ledge. I look down at the large street of cars drving passed as the car horns scream through my ears. I love it. 

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