Chapter 4: Nikol

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Great guys come with spotted backgrounds. I've come to learn that. When I met this kid on the train, I had no clue I was going to fall for him. Hell, he even looked like a kid from the Ponama district, even though that is where he's from. But damn, he cleans up really nice.

I released my grip after hugging him and smiled. "So what do you plan on doing once you get out?" I had my future planned for me by the Officials of Apenture. I was to become a trainer for the proving, however my bewedded had passed during the proving two years ago, so I was given the privilege to marry whoever I wish to marry.

"I haven't ever thought about my future, to be honest."

"Really? Apenture plans our futures for us, and the Officials chose who we marry."

I noticed Rite's face fall immediately after I said that. "So who're you to marry?" He asked.

"Whoever I choose. My bewedded passed two years ago during his proving, so they gave me the privilege to marry whoever I choose, and I am still yet to choose."

"Really?" His face lit up again, and I'm beginning to feel like I know why, but I won't press it out of him; I'll wait to be sure.

"Mhm," I said, happily.

"Man, I wish it was that easy to get somebody in Ponama. We have to play it out and see if we last as boyfriend and girlfriend and then-" I cut him off short. "Rite, I know this," I said, amused, "Apenture isn't that desolate." I laughed to lighten the mood. Luckily, he laughed as well.

"My bad," he choked out, blushing hard. I hugged him again, taking a certain liking to this kid.

"You sure do like to hug me," he smirked.

I let go and backed off. "Fine, take my hugs for granted, bye!" I said, overdramatically, laughing. All I got in return was a really cute and almost pathetic "no!"

- - -

We stood by our door in the hallway, hands behind our back, feet shoulder width apart, and waited for the instructor to come by to inform us on what we were doing today. It didn't take long, maybe eight minutes, and he came by, sooner than usual.

"Today is your off day, kids. You've earned it." He said, with an encouraging smile. The man was short and plump, and long curly mustache and a little poof of hair on the top of his head. For post- nuclear times, this man was living the Oompa- Loompa life. He wore the exact same blue jumpsuit as us, but he did not make it look good.

He walked off after giving us the good news, and I let out a deep breathe I didn't know I was holding, and I smiled. I looked over at Rite and my smile widened. He had a certain look of shock on his face, and I found it very comical. "Surprised much?" And I bursted out laughing.

He told me to shush and walked into our room and collapsed on the bed. I followed suit, but I changed quickly in the bathroom, to get out of that hideous jumpsuit, and layed down next to him.

- - -

We laid there for quite some time, staring at the ceiling, not knowing what to do with all of this time we had to spare. It was honestly troubling. Even in Apenture, we never had free time. Everyone was always busy, and we next to never stopped moving.

I rolled over to face Rite. "I honestly don't know what to do."

He chuckled to himself, "Same. Ponama may be poor, but at least everyone was always doing something. When I wasn't doing anything, I was out hunting for the family, otherwise we'd have to starve."

That statement took me back a bit. "Isn't hunting illegal?" I said, very troubled.

He raised his eyebrows and looked to the side. "Yeah, but how else would we eat? Our officials bask in all of their food and such, and we're left to starve. It's cruel."

I wince at that statement. "I guess so. I wish I knew you before the proving. Then I would've been able to share and such. Apenture makes sure you don't starve, but why dont you report your officials to the capital? I mean, we are in the capital, after all, and we have nothing better to do." I said that with a very particular shrug. I honestly had no clue what to do at this point.

Rite shrugged, "I mean, I guess we could. This does need to end, like, now."

I smiled at that, and took his hand, and skipped out the room, dragging Rite behind me.

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