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"I'm standing in the ashesof who I used to be

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"I'm standing in the ashes
of who I used to be."

'And therefore I announce Vasilisa Rhea Dragomir as successor to the throne. She will be trained and schooled to become the new Queen, once I decide that my reign has come to an end,' Tatiana's voice echoed through the room.

Rose kept her Guardian mask plastered on her face as the Royal Moroi burst into loud chatter, some excited and some angry. Her heart clenched as she realized that every single one of them was a threat to her charge and best friend. She'd never understood nor appreciated the Royal Moroi power plays, but she knew that Lissa would be sucked into them. Whether she liked it or not.

'I, Vasilisa Rhea Dragomir, vow to honor my duty to the Moroi and Dhampir as future Queen and vow to continue the fight against the Strigoi, to protect my people.'

Lissa's voice calmed the crowd and had it not been for the fact that she would've been completely exhausted, had she used compulsion, Rose would've thought that she had. Lissa's people skills were even better than Rose could've ever imagined. She'd be a great queen, Rose realized.

Ceremonial happenings she didn't really care for proceeded for at least two hours and she had to admit that she was overjoyed when they finally retreated to the Dragomir wing. Although her joy was quickly cut short, when Lissa dragged her away and turned into an aggressive toddler whom wanted to dress up her favorite doll.

She stared into the mirror, the dark circles hidden under make-up and even though the haunted look in her eyes was still there, she looked hot. Rose Hathaway hot. The blood red dress clung to her body, showing her curves, but keeping everything covered. She looked sexy like a woman, not the bloodwhore she was often made out to be.

Her dark hair beautifully styled and her dark eyes decorated with eyeshadow in a way that would make any middle eastern exotic princess jealous.

She looked over to Lissa, whom was her polar opposite. As Rose appeared to be a sexy she-devil that could lure anyone through the gates of Hell, Lissa looked like an ethereal being. Shining as if God himself had blessed her with her beauty, her pale skin against the golden dress and her green eyes shining like Jade gemstones on a golden ring.

'Is that a new necklace?' Lissa asked, gesturing to the golden M around her neck.

Rose looked back into the mirror, she'd almost forgotten about the necklace and the haunting dreams that accompanied it. 'An old one actually, I never wore it before though.'

'I like it, it goes well with your dress... and mine. That way it's like we're wearing matching outfits, without actually matching outfits, just a beautiful small accent that connects us.'

Rose smiled, 'I guess it does.'

'Lissa! Our guests are waiting,' Christian said as he knocked on the door, without actually coming inside. Lissa must've forbidden him to lay eyes upon her outfit before the rest.

As he walked away, Lissa turned towards her, 'Ready?'


And Rose followed behind Lissa as they walked into the room, she could feel the stares and instead of making her cower, they made her feel indestructible. She hadn't felt this good in months and she had the feeling that nothing could make her good mood vanish. Of course, she was mistaken.

As she scanned through the crowd her gaze fell upon the family she knew all too well, chatting and laughing with Tasha Ozera. Her thoughts turned bitter as she watched them and a squeeze in her hand, from Lissa, told her that she'd seen it too.

'I don't know what to do,' Rose whispered, 'I can't not greet them, they treated me like family. But Dimitri doesn't love me anymore, maybe they won't-'

'Do you like them?' Lissa asked pointedly.


'Then go over there, Dimitri has to deal with the fact that you bonded with his family. Not your problem.'

Rose smiled, since when had the roles in their friendship become so reversed. She took a deep breath and walked over to the Belikova's. And before she could even say a word, a ten year old boy stormed towards her.

'Roza!' he exclaimed.

A giggle escaped her lips as she hugged him, 'Hello Paul, it's wonderful to see you again.'

He grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the red of his family and Tasha, 'Look! Roza is here too!'

Viktoria grabbed Rose's arms and forced her into a hug, 'I'm so sorry! You were right all along!'

Rose smiled as she pulled away, 'All is forgiven.'

'I said such horrible things!'

Rose flinched as she remembered how Viktoria had told her that her brother could never have loved her, 'Well, turns out you were right all along too, Vika.'

Viktoria's face hardened as she looked at Dimitri, 'So I've been told. You really must excuse my brother for being an utter dickhead.'

No one even corrected her as she spoke, making Rose smile. Tasha and Dimitri were lost in confusion and Tasha decided to speak up, 'I have no clue what's going on right now.'

Yeva's wise voice was like a blade as she send a condescending glance at the Ozera woman, 'Only family does.'

Rose bit her lip, only one thought on her mind. Yeah that's right, Tasha, бабушка is on my side.

'Auntie Roza, do you still remember the promise?'

'Of course I do, Paul,' she told him with a smirk, 'in fact... if you meet me tomorrow morning in this room, we will start. How about that?'

His eyes widened, 'Really? Thank you! Thank you!'

Rose grinned, her eyes resting on Dimitri, pain surging through her heart. And she could swear she saw the pain in his eyes as well, but she refused to let herself care, when she was sure her heart was aching that much more.

'Thank you, Roza, for bringing our Dimka back to us,' Olena said, sentiment lacing her voice.

'Oh, she didn't do that,' Tasha laughed, 'Princess Vasilisa did, she charmed the stake and she pushed it in Dimka's heart.'

She received a harsh glare from Yeva, 'Roza brought our Dimka back,' she stated firmly, 'How else do you think the Princess knew to charm the stake? Roza was the one who figured it out and Roza was the one who went to Russia for Dimka.'

Rose's heart felt warmer as she listened to the words Dimitri's grandmother spoke, tears glistening in her eyes. 'Thank you, Yeva.'

Yeva turned to Rose and told her sharply, 'You should know to call me бабушка by now.'

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