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"I am nothing like my father."

"Wrong," the Witch waved a finger at her "You are more alike than you think."

AS MUCH AS SHE HATED to admit it, Ranveig was probably the best placed to make that statement. It was still hard to wrap her head around the fact that she had been her father's companion once upon a time. In fact, it was hard to imagine anyone could have been her father's companion at all. But perhaps only someone as insane as the Witch of Ravencliff would've willingly put up with him.

"Don't compare me to him," Angie spat "My father was a bastard without a conscience! He lied to me my entire life!"

Ranveig didn't seem moved in the slightest bit "Yes," she dropped casually "He probably did."

"Do you know something I don't?" Angie snapped sharply. This really wasn't the time to play with her nerves.

She scoffed "I know many things you don't. Be more specific."

Angie heaved a long, tired sigh. She could tell how much this conversation was going to drain her; as it always did when her father was mentioned "Ranveig, he made me believe my mother was a weakling, that she died of an illness..."

As if she was dead set on reacting in the most inappropriate way possible, Ranveig began cackling loudly, like it was the funniest thing she had ever heard "Eylis? A weakling?!" she repeated in between two cackles "And you really believed your father would love a weakling?"

"My father was incapable of loving anyone."

"Wrong again. He loved Eylis."

Angie instinctively scrunched up her nose "I have a hard time believing that."

"And why does it matter what you believe?" the Witch shrugged, not bothered in the slightest bit "After all, they're both dead."

Angie felt another surge of anger fill her gut "It matters because I don't know my mother at all and Himnir had no right to take that away from me!" she managed to look back at the Witch, almost pleadingly "Ranveig... I am tired of questioning everything I thought to be true."

Her last words hung in the air for a few seconds and Angie was surprised to find Ranveig staring at her intently. For the first time since she had showed up at her door, it felt like the Witch of Ravencliff had truly listened to her. Not just listened, but empathized.

After a long moment of silence, Ranveig leaned in towards Angie, her voice had a gentle tone that took Angie aback "Your mother was a shield-maiden," Ranveig said "One of Asgard's greatest warriors."

Of course, Angie had suspected it all along but Ranveig's revelation gave her the confirmation she had been dreading: Himnir had lied to her. Everything she knew about her mother was probably a lie too.

Eylis was not a weakling who'd died an insignificant death. There was more to it.

"Why did my father hide that from me?"

"He was trying to protect you."

"From what?"

"Your destiny."

Angie let out an irritated sigh "What does that even mean?!"

"Listen... your father spent his entire life running from destiny," Ranveig plucked a piece of charcoal from the hearth and began twirling it around her fingers "You never wondered why he took Fenrir to raise him on Asgard?"

In all honesty, Angie had wondered it too many times to count "Because Fenrir was his son...?" she offered, not even convinced by her own suggestion.

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