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TONY HAD SPENT MOST of the battle in mid-air, catching all the strays and soldiers in flight. His boosters were working at full intensity as he soared over the mayhem of the battlefield.

He didn't have much time to pay attention to what was happening on the ground but his eye caught with a black figure drifting across the field. Tony's brows furrowed as he focused his visual sensors on the figure. From where he stood, it looked like the back of a dark four-legged creature which glided ruthlessly over the bodies in his way.

It took a second for the realization to hit Tony. In truth, he didn't know why it had taken so long to recognize him. Fenrir.

"Son of a bitch!" he swore, diving straight toward the ground.

"Tony, stop!" a voice rung in his earpiece.

Tony halted brutally in mid-air, with a force that almost gave him whiplash.

"Angie?!" he panted.

"Don't go after him."

"Wait what...?" his brows furrowed "How do you know where—"

"Turn around."

Tony spun to look behind him. He was still hanging in the air when his gaze landed on a figure, a half mile away standing still, eyes riveted on him. She wasn't much more than a dot in the distance but he would've recognised that mane of black hair anywhere.

Tony's heart skipped a beat. He felt tears spring to his eyes as his boosters fired up at maximum strength, flying over in her direction.

Five years. He had been waiting for this, dreaming about this, for five years. His insides ached for her, yearning to let everything go and just teleport over to her. And so he did.

Tony landed on the ground with a thwack and had barely taken his helmet off that Angie was already flinging herself into his arms.

Tony cupped her face in his palm and kissed her with all the desperation and yearning accumulated in the last five years. They might've been in the middle of a battlefield, in between hordes of enemy soldiers, in that moment everything around them had melted into a blurry wreckage.

They finally pulled away but not by much. As Angie rested her forehead against his, Tony's thumb glided in amazement over her jaw, as if wanting to make sure she was real.

"You are a sight for sore eyes," he muttered and watched the wide smile spreading on her lips.

"You brought me back," she said simply, somehow not needing to say much more to communicate all that this reality meant to her; to both of them.

"Of course I did," Tony chuckled "The world is too quiet without you around."

She wrapped her arms around his neck "You are absolutely nuts for doing that."

They kissed again, perfectly content in shutting out their surroundings. They might've gone on longer if it wasn't for the cracking message they received through both of their earpieces.

"Hey lovebirds," Rhodey's voice rung in their ears "Don't mean to interrupt but there's an ugly white thing heading your way, 2 o'clock."

Before Angie had time to glance around and check it for herself, the nanotech on Tony's arm suit morphed into a massive blaster. He aimed it at the monster charging towards them and blasted him into ashes.

Angie felt more movement around them and her senses fired up. She unsheathed her sword and quickly stabbed a soldier coming up behind Tony. She was so focused on anticipating another newcomer that the feeling of Tony's hand around her wrist caught her by surprise.

EYLIS  ※ Tony Stark [3]Where stories live. Discover now