Rikido Sato x Male Reader: Talk

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Our boi Sato never gets any love so I'll have (Y/N) give him some.

You were at the most popular bakery in town. Lots of people contributed to making breads, rolls, and desserts. You loved to support independent, small businesses, it reminded you of your own small following. Recently, it teamed up with the local candy store to use it's candies for cakes and such, so, business was always booming.

You were just strolling through, hoping to get a cake for a relative's birthday. 

You saw an older teenager, 16 maybe 17 years old. He was looking at the cakes like they were holy. You slowly approach him.

"Why do you look like you want to molest the cakes?" You awkwardly say to the teen.

"I actually baked these myself; I'm really proud of them." He declared. 

"Due to my quirk, I've learned to bake really well everyone at U.A. liked my cooking so, I wanted the public to like it too!" He rambled on.

"You go to U.A.? Cool! Wow, I've been meeting so many people that go to U.A. It's kind of creepy." You awkwardly say back to him.

"So, how much are these cakes? I was going to pick one up here anyway." You asked him.

"Just around 4000 Yen (40 USD) please. But, if you want, I also have cookies and a couple pies." It looked like a huge deal seeing how nicely the cake was decorated.

"Oooooh, do you have MnM cookies?!" You look at the boy with a huge smile.

He brought you a huge MnM cookie.

"How mu-" "It's okay. They don't sell anyway." He embarrassingly said.

"Wow, thanks." You said, astonished.

You paid for the cake, and you were making your way to your car. It seemed he was too.

"Care for a piece of my cookie?" You said, holding the cookie up to him.

"I can't, if I did, I'd become super buff and my shirt would rip off."

"Really, never seen that quirk before. It's really unique."

"That's so nice of you! Nobody really cares about me. It's like I'm a background character in my own life. I feel like even my friends are background characters too. It's petty nice to see just one person acknowledge me."

"I know how you feel, in my job, I just feel like a placeholder; like nobody would notice me if I was gone. Makes me remember how alone I really am in this world."

You both made your ways to both of your respective cars.

"Say, what's your name? Mine's (Y/N)."

"My name's Rikido, Rikido Sato!" It sounded like he never really got the opportunity to say that. It was kind of cute. 

"It was so nice meeting you Rikido! Best of luck to being noticed!"

You solemnly drove away. Munching on your new cookie. His cookie was delicious! You pulled up at a store just to do some Googling. He was right, his results were completely unrecorded, there wasn't even one video of a match including him. Wow, that's sad. When the next sports festival comes up, you'll be sure to wish him good luck.

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