Jin Bubaigawara x Female Reader: Splitting

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Well, finally got to another villain chapter. Done in 2nd person.

Just the normal day getting errands done, putting everything in your large, messenger bag as well as multiple shopping bags.  You were buying the daily recommended college diet of Hot Pockets and microwave pizza. Nothing new there. About halfway through buying food and whatnot, you were getting ramen.

While in the isle, there was a blond man picking up a similar type of ramen. The thing that was off was that he was breathing very heavily and was sweating intensely. You were so close to him, you could hear him whispering things to himself like "Keep it together" and "Don't cause a scene." 

You felt concerned and a little scared of this guy so you simply asked, "Are you alright?" 

He replied, "Yeah, sure I am; No, I'm not!" This started a chain of him arguing with himself. It started out with normal volume but then it got to the point where he was screaming. He dropped the basket he was carrying and food spread all over the floor.

At least 20 people gathered around the scene as you backed away. You joined the circle of amazed and frightened people looking at this man. Everyone was mumbling to themselves "What's going on?" "Is this guy okay?"

In the absolute chaos, everyone heard the man scream something louder than he was already yelling.

"COVER MY FACE! NOW!" You moved without thinking, you emptied your bag of everything as the and shoved it over his head. The crowd's heads turned and people gasped. Since the bag was made of denim, it was decently breathable

The man's self-arguing stopped like a speeding car at a red light. His heavy breathing started to slow down as did the crowd's excitement. He kept the bag over his head as you started getting the things from the bag that you'd spilt.

People were starting to leave the crowd and a few were already calling others to tell them about the experience. You stayed to pick up the rest of your things and get your bag. You walked up to the now calm man.

"Can I have my bag back now?" 

"Yeah, of course. Thanks for doing that for me. It's kind of a mental issue. Split Personality Disorder. Well, I'd better get going. Thanks for helping me back there-" 


"(Y/N), thanks for helping me out." He slid the bag off of his head and handed it back to you. 

You walked away and stuffed your things into your bag.

You know what, maybe I'll just finish shopping tomorrow.

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