Tomura Shigaraki x Female Reader: Halloween

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Sorry I haven't been keeping to the update schedule guys! Already a week early with the spoopy theme! Done with (Y/N) 3, 2nd person point of view.

As you could guess from the title, it was Halloween night. Your whole family was meeting up for a big, Halloween party. The party was at a place a few hours away in the suburbs. It was kind of a tradition at this point that you'd take your little cousins out for Trick-or-Treating. This year though, most of them had grown up, leaving you with only one cousin. It was a good thing though, your cousins are total brats.

So, you slipped on your costume and soon, you two were out. 

Author's note, I'll call your annoying cousin, (who could be anywhere from 4-8 years old) (A/C). (can be either gender)

You and (A/C) were walking down the streets as (A/C) was getting some candy. This was a rich neighborhood, so the candy was nice and big, because of this, the street was booming with children and parents. Among the chaos was a group of what seemed to be League of Villains cosplayers. 

As (A/C) was walking up to a house, you stayed back to compliment the 'cosplayers.'  You walked up to their group to so. 

"Hi!" Said the Himiko Toga of the group as you entered it. The rest of the group stopped in their tracks as you could hear mumbles of "Just go along" and "She'll be on her way soon."

"I just wanted to say that the cosplay is amazing!" You observed more details in their costumes like semi-visible blood stains on Himiko's sweater and Mr. Compress's coat seemed to have a pocket full of marbles. This started to seem a bit... Suspicious. You were all for good cosplay but this seemed too good.

So, was this just really good cosplay or the actual League of Villains blending in with the crowd? Seems pretty smart to blend in with all of the low-effort kids' and teens' costumes. You wanted to seal the deal and see if you were right. 

"Aw man, these costumes are amazing." You turned to Shigaraki. "Your trench coat looks so real! and the hands, they look like real hands!" You held your hand up and touched a hand on Tomura's arm. You then continued to admire his costume and touch parts of it.

You could see his patience wearing down as a sharp grimace spread across his face. You (the insane idiot) then touched the hand on his face. Shigaraki pulled back harshly.

"Don't touch that!" He snapped. He grabbed your shoulder with 4 fingers tightly and was preparing to kill you. You just froze, you couldn't do anything. Your heart was racing but you couldn't even scream.

Of course, this was the perfect time for (A/C) to come back to you.

(A/C) looked at you and the obviously scared state you were in and said something. (being insane idiots runs in the family)

"Leave (Y/N) alone!" You looked at him and you both felt relieved and scared that he might die too.

Toga then continued (A/C)'s point. "Yeah Tomura, if you kill this cute girl in public, you're gonna get caught in a really tight space." The rest of the league seemed to nod in agreement.

Shigaraki sighed. "Fine" He let his hand off of your shoulder. "You're off the hook for now."

"Don't tell anyone about this." Spinner added.

"Even you little guy" Toga touched (A/C)'s nose as he/she jumped back semi-scared. 

They then walked away like nothing had happened. 

"(A/C) You're insane." You grinned as you continued down the houses.

"Runs in the family!" He/she smiled

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