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I woke up with beads of sweat racing across my face. My breathing was fast and heavy. It took me a few minutes to realize it was just that same stupid nightmare I've been having for the past two weeks straight, where I'm in the middle of the dark woods by myself. I'm looking around frantically trying to find a way out, or none the less where I'm at. My heart starts racing when I start hearing growling noises coming from every direction around me. My head started spinning around, the growling noises continued,  my breathing was fast, almost hyperventilating. Suddenly the spinning my head just stopped spinning. Bright glowing orange eyes emerges from the dark, growling and snarling at me. I tried to run, but my body was frozen with fear. I stared into the eyes of the beast, not knowing what was going to happen next. The creature jumped on me making everything around me pitch black, and my screams ends up waking me up. I haven't figured out what those nightmares mean yet, but they've been keeping me up. I've been getting a minimum of 3 hours of sleep each night.

I looked over at the alarm clock on my bedside table. 6:05 am. It's time to get dressed for school. I pull my blankets back,  just far enough for me to pull my feet out from underneath them and get up. I walk into my dimly lit bathroom. The walls a light pale blue, had a black bold oval shaped mirror with a matching sink. I went to the sink did my morning routine while still thinking about that stupid nightmare. I finsihed brushing my teeth and putting on natural looking makeup. I walked to my closet and looked through it trying to find the outfit I wanted to wear. I found a pair of faded blue jeans and a black tshirt that had a sparkly butterfly on it.
I picked this outfit mainly because for the last two weeks I've just been throwing something on that would make me look like I was at least half way awake. My long brown, naturally curled hair, didn't look to bad so I did what I do majority of the time. I just pulled it back into a cute loose bun. I left a few strands of hair to help frame my face. I looked back at the clock once more. 6:30. It was almost time to head to school. I turned off my lamp and made my way down the wooden staircase. The kitchen, much like every single room in this house, was simply decorated. All the cabinets were solid white, with a beautiful black counter top, stainless steel stove and built in microwave, with granite backsplash, and stools under the long counter as our table. There was a plate of blue berry muffins on the counter my mother had stayed up making the night before. She does this every time her and my dad has to leave town on a business trip. Me and my siblings are all old enough to stay by ourselves. My parents are really easy going. They are both lawyers. We don't have to worry about needing anything, and they're to busy to be too much involved with our lives. Some people find that sad, but it works for us. We have free will as long as we are careful and don't get into trouble.

I knew we were about to head out in the next 10 minutes when my two younger unidetical twin siblings came running around the corner. My sister Jada and my brother Sonny. They are in the 9th grade this year, 2 grades behind me, yet they still act like they're in the 5th grade. They never stop fighting, but when in need they're always there for each other, which is what really counts. Jada had reddish brown hair that hung almost as long as mine. Her hair wasn't curly, it was naturally straight, and soft. She had big brown eyes and like me she was slightly tanned. Sonny on the other hand was light skinned with short light brown hair. His hair always had gel in it to give it a spiky appearance. His eyes, like mine, were green. Mine is more of a bright green while his is that grayish Hazeled color, but still classified as green. They were both soccer players, but just happened to be on opposite teams and they fight like cats and dogs when their teams are playing up against each other.

"Give me my lucky Jersey, Sonny!"

"No way my team needs to win the championship this year!"

"Well I can't help that your team sucks, now give me my Jersey!"

"No unfair advantages this year sister, your going to have to actually work for it this time."

"My Jersey has nothing to do with my team winning."

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