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      I admired the cute 2 story surburban home. It was white with a light blue trimming. It was in the middle of no where, surrounded by acres of woods, which I guess it's exactly what you would expect from a werewolf pack. It was raining, so we had to go inside. We walked into the beautifully decorated livingroom that had a built in brick fireplace. My wolf was so excited.

'Wow this is amazing! I've never been around so many werewolves before!' My wolf Exclaimed. Which answered my question if Elijah was telling the truth about this being an actual pack house or not.

'That's because you've only been alive for like 3 weeks.'

'Hey don't be a buzz kill.'

'Calm down before you accidentally force your way out.' I said, with a huge grin across my face still admiring the beautiful home I entered.

'Never.' She said happily.

"Where is everyone at?" I asked curiously.

"Well I didn't really tell anyone you were coming over, so they're all doing  their own things." He explained. "We can take a tour of the house while we meet the pack." He offered. I agreed. "Thanks for letting me keep my wolf around, he's loving how excited your wolf is!" He Exclaimed. I smiled. We walked into the huge modern kitchen.  There was a huge island in the middle of the kitchen. The walls were white, the floor was a gray marbled color. The countertops were a black pearl color. There were two gorgeous women standing in the kitchen preparing food.

"Hey guys! This is Zoey.... Zoey this is my mother Nora." He said as he introduced me to his mother. His mother had crystal blue eyes and black hair, that was cut short, it hung slightly past her ears. Her skin was a little darker than Elijah's. "And this is Elsa my sister." He said as he gestured towards the other girl. She looked to be about the same age as Jada and Sonny. She looked nothing like Nora and Elijah. She had platinum blonde wavy hair that hung down to her shoulders. Her eyes were white. Her skin was darker like Nora's. She had on a pink tank top, white leggings, and strappy sandals. Nora had a black blouse on, with a black ruffled skirt amd matching strappy sandals.

"Hi nice to meet you, you guys have a lovely home." I said politely. Elijah and Nora had upset expressions on their faces like they were arguing, only I couldn't hear what they were saying. They must be mind linking each other. I glanced over at Elsa who was continuously looking over at me and back at Elijah in amusement, as if she was enjoying the argument between Nora and Elijah.

"So are we just going to sit here and stare at each other in silence?" I asked nervously.

"Oh sorry, as I was saying.... this is my mother and sister. My mother is currently the delta and I'm the future delta. My sister will be future delta when I'm delta." He explained. He led me to a study room. It had a large brown desk in the middle of the room and a couple of black couches against the wall.
      There were  4 people in there. A woman and 3 men.

"Hey guys this is Zoey. Zoey this is Derrick. He's my unkle and also the alpha. Delilah is my aunt and the female alpha. Jason is the beta and my youngest cousin. Finally There's Jaxson. He's the future alpha." He explained. Derrick definitely looked like he was the alpha. He was tall, tan, strong, black shiny hair that was styled just right. His eyes were a chocolate brown. The two boys looked really similar to their father. Delilah had carmel skin with blue eyes and black hair that hung to her shoulders.

"Nice to meet you!" Derrick said.

"We hope you enjoy your stay!" Delilah said. They all seemed very nice. He led me to the largest room they had in the house, which they had turned into their own personal gym. Their was a large group of people in there. He introduced the group to me. Anastasia she was the lead warrior. She was in charge of training everyone in the pack. She had light brown long hair, green eyes, and light skin. Standing next to her were two vampires. They were siblings. They both had brown hair, and light skinn. They were named Brandie and Christian.
      Then there was Stella, Brandon, Skylar, Stan, and Lisa. They were the rest of the warriors. He then led me to a medium sized bedroom that was decorated half and half. Half of it was pink, with little girl toys put neatly in a toy crate and a pink comforter on a small bed. The other half was blue, with little boy toys scattered across the floor. There was 4 people in here. Two little twins about the age of 5 or 6, and their parents. Jake and Jinx, they were the parents. Jinx had black hair and purple eyes, and was more pale than the other werewolves I have met. Jake had blue eyes, he was the only male in the house who had blue eyes. His hair was black and he was tan. The two little twins reminded me of my siblings. Especially when they were fighting. I smiled to myself. They were named Jazmine and Rio. Elijah introduced me to them as well. Everyone was so polite and nice to me. I really enjoyed meeting his pack. It was an amazing experience.
        He took me to a large room. It was dimly lit and it was filled with nothing but book shelves and books everywhere. There was a white couch in the middle where you could sit and read.

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