After a 40min of waiting they all finally get here it was too crowded so we went down to the Cafeteria,
"What's going on Johnson?" Aaron asked,
"You might wanna sit down for this," i said,
"What's wrong? is Madie okay?" he asked scared,
"She is fine, the surgery went well but Aaron there is something you need to know" I said and handed him the file,
He looked at me and everyone else confused and opened it and started reading,
"These are my blood test, when i donated blood for Madie, whats wrong with them? Aaron asked curious and confused,
"Keep reading till the end," I said,
He kept on reading and a point he stopped and dropped the file on the floor, and didn't look at us or speak a word,
"What what is it Aaron? what's wrong?" Cam asked, but Aaron was quiet,
"Come on man speak up what's wrong?" Nash asked, holding Aaron's shoulders,
"M.Madie" he muttered but we heard it,
"Yeah Madie what?" Nash asked,
Aaron looked up at us and said "Madie is my sister, blood related....biological sister"
Everyone was shocked and speechless at this point, Brent and Lexi were even more shocked, i returned the papers back to the doc and Aaron said he needed some time alone with Madie so he insisted to stay the night with her, we waited a while and went home to get some rest cause we were all really tired,
Aaron's P.O.V
The guys had just left and i decided to stay the night, i sat there next to her and looked at her,
"I have so many questions to ask you so many things i wanna know but how? your stuck in this deadly sleep im not sure if you can hear me but i just found out that you are my sister, my biological sister" I was tearing up a bit so my voice got rusty, "I never knew my mother or even seen a picture of her, i don't know where my dad is and the only family i had was my grandmother who passed away a few months back and since then i haven't had anyone to call family besides the boys, the first day i saw you at our show to be honest it felt like i was supposed to know you but then the show was over and i didn't see you after until we met at Starbucks again and i don't know what you want to call it but i guess it's gods way of reuniting two lost pieces of the puzzle" i was tearing up, i held Madie's hand the one that wasn't broken, "I promise you right here right now i will never leave you or abandon you like our parents did to us, your going to get through this and your going to be okay, im not leaving your sight until your up and walking, i lost 18 years of your life im not going to loose a second more" i said and kinda just drifted away
~Next day~
"Excuse me sir, hello, hi, sorry to wake you up but we need to do a quick checkup so if you could excuse us it won't take long" a nurse came and woke me up,
"Oh yeah sorry" i rubbed my eyes, grabbed my stuff and headed out, i went home showered and changed
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