After i got home and after all the comments and stuff i felt really sad and hurt, Literally everyone has been texting me not to think about anything Madison said but i can't do that and the fact that she thinks i want to take JackG away from her is so confusing cause jackG and i barely talk or even hangout, It hurts the way she says stuff about me cause no one has ever said anything like this to me i don't want to take Jack away from Madison i would never do that and i don't want to do that so why does she hate me this much.
I was on the roof top looking at the stars and reading the comments over and over again, thinking about reasons why she would say this or what her reason's might have been, i felt my eyes getting heavy so i went back to my room, put my phone to charge on the night stand and went into bed.
~next day~
"Wakey Wakey Princess," JackJ said sitting on the edge of my bed,
"WAKE UPPPP!!" Aaron jumped onto the bed,
"Oh my god, is this the only way you people know to wake a person up?," I said and sat on my bed, and rubbed my eyes,
"Well there are other ways but this way is more polite," Aaron said,
"Come on go get dressed, we are taking you out for breakfast and some chill time at the theater then lets play some Bball," JackJ said,
"Ohhh sounds fun, lemme have a shower and come," i said and ran into the bathroom,
I showered, dried my hair and i wasn't bothered to do a lot of my makeup so just a bit, i changed, i put on my sneakers and packed up a bag of extra clothes and stuff and headed down,
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"Oh wow" JackJ said,
"What?" I looked down to see if something i was wrong with my outfit,
"Im not saying anything bad about Alissa but she would have taken 3 hours just to put that on and you just took, what 20 min?" JackJ replied,
"That's just how most girls are most girls put makeup, that's why they get late or they want to make sure they match and everything is perfect even when their going to bed, im not that kinda girl also not really a big fan of makeup," I said,
"Damnnn, this is why i luvvvv you," Aaron replied,
"She is my best friend before she was yours so paws off," JackJ replied,
"In your sorry dreams," Aaron replied back,
"Umm guys im hungry," I said and they snapped out of their small argument,
"Oh yes, breakfast the most important meal of the day" Aaron said and carried me outside bridal style,
"Where you taking her you little raccoon," JackJ said and followed,
We drove to Sweet Maple for breakfast, We each had a breakfast taco and besides that i had a nutella crepe with a fresh avocado juice, JackJ had a Milano Melt and a coffee while Aaron had a swine Pizza which me and JackJ stole a slice from, he wasn't going to eat the whole thing anyway, after breakfast we decided to walk to the theater which was a few blocks down Sweet Maple.