We headed back to the hospital and decided that the three of us should stay in the hospital, we headed down to the cafeteria to get dinner,
"Guys i left my wallet in the room, lemme go get it and come" i said,
"I think i left mine too, i'll come with you" Aaron said,
"Well i cant stay here alone ill come with," JackJ said and we went back up,
While we were walking down the hall to Madie's room a nurse shouted,
"Emergency at room 106, we are loosing her" she said and all the nurses started running to that room,
"106 is?? oh my god, Madie" Aaron said and we ran,
We went in and two of the nurses were trying to hold someone but she was struggling and shouting, we couldn't really see who it was we went closer and it was Madison she was holding onto Madie's neck really tight, JackJ and I ran to go grab her off of Madie,
"Let me go, this bitch needs to die NOWWW" she yelled and kept struggling,
"Madison what is wrong with you stop" JackJ said,
Madison had pulled out all of Madie's tubed and cords, the doctor rushed in and told them to bring her into the O.R right away cause her heartbeat was slowing down,
The cops arrived just in time and handcuffed Madison, and took her away we went to where they took Madie in and the nurses and doctors were covering her so we could not see her, they used the defibrillator on her twice, and at last all we heard was the sound of the flatline,
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"Noooo" Aaron screamed,
Just as Madie's Life line stopped, the three of us just couldn't hear, think or speak we fell on our knees and tears fell from our eye's
We didn't know what was happening inside but they were yelling, running around getting stuff doing everything they possible could, and thats when we heard this,
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We looked at each other not believing what we have heard and stood up and we saw Madie's heart working fine through the monitor, we let out a deep breath in relief we were really happy right now, a coma is better than loosing her forever which i would never forgive myself for,