The sun was falling directly in my face so i woke up to 4 faces staring at me,
"Hey guys" i said,
"You, you stayed the night?" Hayes asked,
"Yeah why?" i asked,
"No reason," he said and they backed up so i could get up i checked the bed and Madie wasn't there,
"Where's Madie?" I asked,
"They took her into the O.R they changed the surgery time and wanted to do it as soon as possible," Nash replied,
"Why? is she okay?" i asked,
"Yeah they just wanted to do it so they can transfer her" Aaron replied,
"Oh okay, im gonna head home and change, i'll see you guys later" i said and left,
Aaron's P.O.V
"Wow, why has he started to care so much" Shawn asked,
"Maybe he realizes things now and his brain is rewired" Hayes said,
We waited outside and the rest of the guys joined us, after 3 hours the doc came out,
"It was successful" he said and everyone was happy, "We will make arrangements to transfer her tonight, excuse me" he said and left,
"That is a relief" Cam said,
"Now what?" Nash asked,
"Now we go home and pack i guess," Shawn said, and everyone said it in a less cheery mood,
"When do we leave?" Taylor asked,
"Saturday morning" Cam said and looked at me,
"Guys i wont be joining you, i need to be here for Madie im the only family she has right now and she is all I've got besides you guys, i didn't even know i had a sister till this accident I've missed 18 years of her life, i hope you guys understand" i said, well JackJ, JackG and Cam already knew this but i needed to the guys myself,
"Yeah we understand man" Shawn said and gave me a hug,
The rest of em hugged me to,
"You take care of her okay" Matthew said very emotional,
"I will man," i said and tapped his shoulder,
When night time came they transferred Madie to the other hospital and it was huge, the room had a view of the city and had more space it even had a bed for me, just as we went there i got the things settled i met the nurses in charge of Madie and met some of the people there, everything was nice and everyone was friendly,
Everyone decided to come see Madie before they left, they were not entirely happy to leave but it had to be done, they spent the whole day at the hospital with her, we decided not to be sad and be emotional cause that is not what Madie would have wanted, so we ordered pizza played some music not loud just so we could hear and just chilled, after the guys left Brent came and suggested he stay with Madie the night so I could say good bye to the guys at the airport, i thanked him and went home,I came back to the hospital right after i said my goodbyes to the guys at the airport,
Weeks passed and fans kept tweeting asking where i was so i tweeted back,
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