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JackG's P.O.V

We were walking to the local grocery store to get some chips, when we met some fans,

"OMG OMG OMG it's the Magcon boys," a girl squealed,

I really wasn't in the mood for any of this, but anything for the fans, we smiled took pictures with them, and Nash wanted to see the pictures,

"Hey is it ok if we see the pictures" Nash asked and we bundled up to see em too, while scrolling we found something that left us all speechless and shocked,

Madie's P.O.V

"So where are we going?" i asked him,

"Well why don't you sit back and enjoy the short ride, im sure u'll like the place very much" he said and smiled, "here we are" he said and parked the car in an empty parking lot,

"What is here exactly??" i asked,

"You have to walk a bit from here is that okay?" he asked,

"Fine by me" i said and smiled, i grabbed my back pack and he grabbed his guitar and we walked into these woods that seem so unreal, it was beautiful and peaceful i could live here, we walked into a clear ground with beautiful green grass and daisies all over the place it was just beautiful, 

"Do you like the place?" he asked,

"Like??? i love it, it's just so beautiful and peaceful" i said with the biggest smile on my face

"Not alot of people know about this place it has been covered up because of the trees, i used to come here when i was a kid with my mom and after she passed you are the first person i have ever bought here" he said and i felt happy for a moment,

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss. And im honored, i would have worn something more longer, the grass is gonna be itchy" i said,

"We are not gonna stay on the grass" he giggled and led me to a tree house,

"You are full of surprises" i said as i climbed the top after him,

"So ma lady how about we start on that song you promised to do a duet with me" he said pulling his guitar out of its case,

"Sure," i said and pulled out my song book,

We worked on the song for 5 hours and time flew so fast, we got a melody and some of the verses completed now all we need to do is put the pieces in place complete it and see what it sounds like, 

"Would you ummm... like to grab dinner with me?" he asked in a nervous tone,

"Dinner sounds good i am a bit hungry too" i said and he smiled,

We drove to this fancy restaurant which i wasn't to happy to go in, 1 im not dressed for it and 2 im not a fancy restaurant type of girl..

"Is something wrong?" he asked,

"I don't think im dressed for a place like this" i said and looked out at the restaurant and back at Justin "also im not a fancy restaurant type a girl" i said,

"I think we are going to be very good friends," he smiled big and gave me a side hug and started to drive off, "Im not saying i dont like girls who like fancy places but my type a girls are the less fancy ones, so any place u've got in mind?" he asked,

"Hmm well are u into burgers?" i asked and he smiled big,

We drove to BSB (big shack burgers) and i ordered my usual and Justin did the same,

"You like the place?" i asked,

"Yeahh, why haven't i come here before.." he said,

"That is because u just met me, there are a ton of amazing food places im sure u haven't even heard of" i said sipping my milkshake,

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