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JackG's P.O.V

The only person i trust is JackJ but because of all the Madison drama he hasn't spoken two words to me unless its something regarding work, fans or a hangout. Madie wants to help me out but that's just another addition to Madison's list and i can't let anything happen to someone as sweet as Madie even after i yelled at her that night she still spoke to me as if nothing happened,

"Umm Jack we were thinking of playing soccer with Madie on saturday (today is Tuesday) if you like you could join us, make sure you ask Madison before you come and also tell her that Madie will be playing i don't want Madie getting yelled at by her," JackJ said and he looked sad while saying it and left,

"Hey Jack, come on man please don't do this to me you and we've known each other for more than 15 years now, we are brothers" i said with so much hurt inside,

"Look i told you this before man, Madison is bad news she is the reason your alone now she is using you and even when i showed you proof that she cheated on you you didn't believe me instead you took her side covered for her and yelled at me, i still forgave you because yes you are my brother but we can't be as close as we use to be with her ruling your life and pushing us away from you, just make sure you know who is good for you and who actually cares about you," JackJ said and shut the door and left,

I felt how much he was hurt, and it hurts more that i am the reason for it,

Madie's P.O.V

"WAKEEE UPPPP!!!" Someone shouted and jumped on top me,

"AHHHH" i screamed and fell off the bed, arghhh my butt, "Omg Cam, Nash im sleeping" i grabbed my pillow and got back into bed and snuck under the covers,

"Nooo" Cam said while pulling the covers off of me, "We have loads of things planned, so get up and go shower while me and Nash pick something for you to wear," Cam said and pushed me off the bed,

"My butt HURTSSSS," i groaned and got up, "Fine but your buying me breakfast," I said and went into the bathroom,

"NO PROBLEM," Nash yelled back,

I brushed my teeth and had a nice shower, i had my towel wrapped on my head and i put on my bathrobe and went into my room to see what they had picked out for me to wear,

"Seriously? this?" i asked,

"Yeah now go change and do your stuff and come but please don't put alot of makeup" Nash said,

"I never put tons of makeup," i said and walked back into the bathroom to change,

I changed, dried my hair and left it in some waves, i put my denim converse on and came out, they weren't in my room anymore so i grabbed my bag and packed it with my swimsuit and all that stuff, i grabbed my phone and went down,

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I changed, dried my hair and left it in some waves, i put my denim converse on and came out, they weren't in my room anymore so i grabbed my bag and packed it with my swimsuit and all that stuff, i grabbed my phone and went down,

"Awww i told you that white top would suit those shorts," Cam said,

"So what are we doing today?" i asked,

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