Part 26

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Zach walks downstairs confused as he looks at me with a sympathetic face

'What's happened?' He asks walking over to me

'Your bitch of a girlfriend and my bitch of a fiancé are about to fuck In MY bed, I don't think so' I say slightly shouting angrily as Zach grabs his shoes slipping then on, then he stops taking them off

'How about we get them back?' He says with a smirk

'Like what?' I reply getting a idea into my head

'Come upstairs' he says grabbing my hand

'Mom dad go try the make up sex trust me you'll be fine after' I say as they leave the house

'Boys meet me in my room, we need you' Zach shouts leading me to his room, once we got there the boys all where sat on his bed or desk chair

'Right so jonah and jack you need to send photos of Rose and I start kissing in the pool to Loren and Corbyn and Daniel you'll do the same but send them to Cameron' Zach explains the boys nod and leave the room

'Okay so you okay with the plan?' Zach asks.

Knowing that I'm going to have to kiss Zach makes me confused on his feelings, I know where just getting them back, it just weird because we haven't been together for over a year

I changed into a skin colour bra, Zach wearing skin colour shorts we went into the pool, and started kissing as the boys start taking pictures




'Why the fuck was you skinny dipping with my boyfriend?' Loren shouts as she's walks into the house

'Why was you going to fuck my fiancé?' I shout back causing everyone around the house to come down stairs watching Loren, Cameron and I

' but I didn't fuck him did I?' She replies smirking

'You just want everything to yourself, First it was Zach and now it's my fiancé'. I spit back angrily as Corbyn pats my shoulder causing me to step closer to Loren

'All we did was kiss!' Cameron states, not looking to sure about it

'You liar, I fucked your baby daddy!' Loren shouts, which leads me to punch her in the face

Corbyn and Daniel pull me back away from her as I got a good few punches at her, leaving her with a bloody nose with Cameron pulling her back

'We're over, done, over!' I say looking at Cameron taking my engagement ring off placing it in the palm of his hands.

'Your not coming on tour so I'll be getting my things for your tonight and I'll ask someone to get everything else from your house, asshole' I spit at him wiping the tears that was leaving my eyes

'We're over Loren go find someone else to put up with your bullshit!' Zach calmly says with a angry look on his face

' I never want to see your face again you cheating asshole!' I shout slapping Cameron around the face

Loren scoffs walling upstairs, hopefully packing her things, while Cameron walks out going to his car

I'm in too deep|| Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now