Part 40

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You wanted me?

Rose 🥀 :

Yeah I did, it's really


I'm listening

Rose 🥀:

So like you know I'm


Yes, well obviously

Rose 🥀:

I want you to sort out the
gender reveal, like can you
ask Gabbie the gender she
knows, but I want you to
do it for me? Can you?


Yes. Yes. Yes. But isn't
It to late for your gender
Revel as your going to go
Into labour in the the
next few weeks

Rose 🥀:

Yes but I wasn't sure who
I wanted to organise it all
And thank you, I'll get
Gabbie to text you
Also I've seen you some
Money for everything, if
You need anymore just text me

Ashley 🤩:

$500,000?!?!? I don't think
I'll need anymore lmao

Rose 🥀:

Ash, I know what your
Like, you'll go all out and
You will not care about
How much things are and
I know how expensive things are in L.A. And what ever is left you can keep


But I- I can't take the rest
Of the money you're having
A fucking baby

Rose 🥀:

Bb I have enough money it's
Okay, it's the least I could
Do, also I don't wanna
Sound needy or anything
But I kinda have a schedule
So I'll have to send you
The dates I'm free


That's fine i know your
A busy busy women

Rose 🥀:

I'll send it over when my
Manger finalises all my interview and shit

I'm in too deep|| Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now