' guys we're back go back on stage now' I say walking into the backstage room there all inOnce everyone sees us they jump up and hug us, Corbyn picks up Lilac from her buggy, he starts rocking as he cradles her in his arms
'Oh Lilac I don't know what i would of done without you' Corbyn says to her as I see a tear fall down is face
'Oh Corbyn please don't' I say walking over to my brother hugging him and my baby then everyone comes over into one big group hug
Once everyone moves away from the hug Gabbie and I put Lavender and Lilac to sleep after feeding and burping them
'Okay boys, Lilac is okay, Zach's back, now go sing your hearts out' I say basically pushing them out of the room except from Jack and Zach
'I love you baby, I'll see you soon okay' Zach says hugging me
'I love you too, now go do your amazing job and go sing' I reply before I turn around seeing Gabbie and jack kissing each other, I pull Zach in kissing him
'I'll see you in a little bit' Zach says before leaving the room with jack
'Well then, I can't wait to go on stage' Gabbie says once we both sit down
'I can't wait to see everyone's reactions' I reply back smiling
'I know, it's crazy' she replies smiling as she's looking at her child
'Wait when it happen again' I ask her
'The boys are to finish up the show, tell everybody to wait 5 minutes and stay in their seats, when they come back here jack and I will post our post the second before he goes on stage then they'll go onstage and sing come to Brazil then tell everyone to be super quite no matter what happens then BOOM Lavender and I appear on stage' she explains with her hand gestures making me laugh
'I can't wait for you to do it' I reply being really happy for her
'You do know you and Zach are announcing your back together right?' She says while I take a sit if my water causing me to spit it out in shock
'Why was I not informed of this' I ask her clearly confused
'I don't know' she replies confused to
'Wanna go live on my Instagram?' I ask her pulling out my phone as she nods going into Instagram and pressing the live button
Imroseb is now live on Instagram tap to watch
'Hey bitch' Gabbie and I both say at the same time as the live connects, I put my phone in a place that can see Gabbie and I and nothing to do with babies and so we can still read comments
'How is everyone today' I ask looking at our babies to make sure they are still asleep and they are
I'm good
How are you
Your pretty
More comments roll in about how they are and that we're pretty or saying just really random stuff
'I'm board, people ask questions' Gabbie asks as I nod in agreement
How is it dating a famous person
Why do you love the boys
Can you sing a duet together
'Hey Gabbie, one said can you sing a duet together' I say wanting to know is she agrees and wants to do it
'Hell yeah' she replies, I grab my guitar
'One second' Gabbie replies, standing up and moving our 1 month old babies to the other side of the room but facing us then sits down next to me 'let's do this' she continued
'Sitting on the stairs
You're standing by the front door' Gabbie stars as I stum the guitar—-
'In the morning when we wake up, After another fake break up, I don't even remember what we were fighting for
We're always laughing
With some crying in between but
Girl, our love is tangled up between the sheets ohhh' I sing with passion as it's what's happening to Zach and I right now——-
'I just might come to brazil' the boys all sing in sync as Gabbie abs I walk towards backstage, heartinh the faint screams of the young fans as we walk closer and closer
'Thank you Jeff, I'll only be there for a few minutes, but if she starts crying her bottle is in her bag' I say point to the bag, giving him her as she's in her buggy, I do breast feed her but i wasn't going to be there when she was hungry so I used a pump and put it in a bottle
'Okay' is all he reply as he starts talking to Lilac
The boys nod at me indicating for me to walk on the stage, as jack walk of as I grab the mic the sound crew hands to me
'What's up everyone, I know this is a really weird show but I need everyone to stay quite for me' I say walking towards Zach smiling
'What I'm trying to say is, it's Mother's Day, thank you for coming when you could of been with them' i continue talking to the fans, my phone buzzes with a text
Jackary 💇🏻♂️👨🏼🦱:
Now bitch
I nod at jack 'so we've got a really special surprise for everyone here today, and I'll need you to stay quite until the suprise is off stage okay?' I explain in which I just see everyone nod getting there phones out to record 'please welcome Jack Avery and Gabbie Gonzalez with the special gift' I say as they walk on stage, Jack holds Lavender and Gabbie pushes her buggy (not mine)
'Gabbie and I had the most amazing delicate and beautiful gift god had given Gabbie and I, my angle she is the most selfless person in the entire world, the experience of this has changed my whole life, I'm so blessed to now be able to call her the mother of our child and still come home to her every single day, she helps me push and work harder for my dreams, so I want to say a happy Mother's Day to my beautiful girlfriend Gabriella, the woman who's raising my child, you both are blessing to me, I love you babe and I'm lucky your mine' Jack explains standing at the front of the stage, Gabbie following him
'So I'd like you guys to meet the little girl that makes us so so happy' he continues as Gabbie starts picking up Lavender from her buggy, holding her in her arms'We'd like you to meet and welcome into the family' Gabbie says into jacks microphone and waiting around 30 seconds for suspense 'Lavender May Avery'

I'm in too deep|| Zach Herron
FanfictionSequel to DON'T NOTHING AT ALL, if you haven't read it ready the first book, this is the third one. In which y/n Rose besson, known as rose, just came off tour with Ariana grande, after Zach's calling off their engagement after she cheated on him w...