Part 55

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'Fans are asking when you are coming back on boys' Jeff says walking though the door

'The doctor hasn't come yet' Corbyn replies with sad eyes

'I have an idea' I suggest

'Go on' Jeff replies as everyone looks at me

'I could go on stage and sing until the doctor has come and finished' I reply while everyone nods

'Also say that Zach had a temperature and threw up so we had to get a doctor to see if he could carry on' Gabbie says while Jeff agrees


'Hey guys, Zach had a really High temperature and threw up so we had to get a doctor to come and see if he could carry on performing tonight, sorry for the wait' I say into the microphone walking onto the stage, the fans frown 'but I'm going to sing songs until the doctor comes and finishes' I continue with the fans cheering and screaming

'Does everyone know my albums coming out tomorrow yeah?' I ask as everyone screams 'yeah'

'Well lucky for you, I'm going to sing one of the songs of my album' i say, adjusting my ear piece

'This is over you' I say as the sound track starts playing

'I been wondering
You know I been kinda thinking
You and I could spend a little time
Maybe one summer night we go climb a tree in Griffith Park
You know see the stars and make the moment ours' I sing, walking around the stage, reaching down holding some of the fans hands


'A little bit crazy I'm hollering at the moon
Hollering at the moon Ha Ooooooo
I'm telling you baby, You're making my heart ba boom
No matter what we go through, I'll never get over you
Over you, over you, over you
There's no getting over you' I sing, finishing of the song, standing at the edge of the stage smiling as the fans scream and cheer still recording me


'And heres WHY DONT WE' I shout into my microphone walking of stage as they walk on

Sorry for the short chapter ❤️

I'm in too deep|| Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now