'Welcome back to the Zack sang show, today we have Rose, Zach, Gabbie, Jack and the couples babies Lilac and Lavender' Zack introduces us(I know his names spelled Zach but there's two Zach's so I spelt it Zack)
'It's so good to be back' I reply, smiling jack and Zach agreeing with me
'So Rose, what's your new song 'all my friends are fake' about' Zack asks me politely
'We'll I actually wrote that when Gabbie stopped talking to me actually, I was in a very dark space and convinced myself that all my friends where fake, so I wrote a song about it to let all my emotions out, I was so emotional not okay, so that's when I decided to go to Australia as there was an amazing place so people who was depressed or had disorders' I explain, Gabbie giving me a sorrowful look
'So what made you release it?' He questions
'Well Zach read it while I was in Australia and when I got back he told me to release it, I didn't want to put it in the album as it was about being in love, the song is kinda depressing' I explain 'but it really means a lot to me, even if Gabbie and I are as close as ever, it taught me a lot about myself and how things can affect me and how I should handle things' I explain, smiling 'but I'm as happy as ever and everything's okay now' I continue
'So Lilac and Lavender are going to be turning 1 in 3 months, how does it feel?' He asks us
'Not real, time has gone so fast' Zach says
'Lavender has grown so much now from when she was born' Gabbie replies smiling
'Us 4 have learnt alot being parents, it's truly an amazing feeling knowing a Little person depends on you, it's great' jack replies smiling, I nod
'They're amazing babies, like their not as noisy as 9 months babies usually are' I say, kissing Lilac's cheek
'That's great, their so cute' Zack smilies 'so what's your favourite performances so far?' He questions
'London' jack and Zach reply at the same time, everyone laughs at the pair of boys who hug
'London' Gabbie and I say at the same time making everyone laugh once again
'Who needs jachary when you have rabbie' Zack replies making me laugh 'why is that your favourite?' He asks once again
'There always so loud' Gabbie replies, the boys and me nodding
'There always so pumped, it's crazy' Zach continues with Gabbies statement
'There also the best when singing happy birthday to zach' jack laughs
'Yo their accents are crazy, the sing like' Zach says stopping for a second 'happy birthday to you, happy birthday to zach' he continues impersonating the British accent causing lilac to laugh
'See even she things your bad' I reply, Zach dramatically puts his hand over his chest
'Rude' he replies
'Have you ever been in someone else's music video but not sang' Zack asks
'No' gabbie and jack reply
'I've been in Eben's, Jack was too but he didn't like his scene so he backed out' Zach replies, exposing jack
'I've been in ZieZie's and Aitch's, I was in their French kisses music video in France' I reply 'so fun' I continue
'I've asked fans too send tweets about what they wanna say to you' Zack states
'Let's go whores' I reply 'wait shit-fuck-I need to shut up' I continue putting my head down in shame as everyone laughs
'This first one fits perfectly with that' Zack states 'it says rose I love the fact you curse when you open videos or anything like that, it's really funny' Zack reads of the screen
'Well thank you, I'll do it more often just for you' I reply smiling
'The next one if for zach it says, your so cute, I just want to hug you and like I don't know marry you, please love me' Zack reads as my eyes widen
'Wow okay, love you' Zach replies
'Who's trying to steal my man' I shout but not to loud
'Anyways next one, this is for all of you, I love all of you, you brought us Lilac, Luna and Lavender, which all 3 are amazing and everyone loves them, you're all amazing parents' Zack reads making us all smile
'Thank you' we all say at the same time, making everyone in the room including us laugh
'Okay, this next one is for Gabbie, by someone called jack' Zack starts 'Gabriella, you are truly amazing, you make me smile when I'm sad, you love everyone no matter what, your so forgiving, you've made me a better person, I couldn't imagine my life without you now, your a great mom, daughter, girlfriend and best friend, everything you do makes me fall in love with you anymore, so Gabriella i have a question for you' Zack finishes, looking at jack who is now on one knee holding a ring, looking at gabbie
'Will you marry me?' Jack asks as tears fall out if Gabbies eyes
'Yes, Of course' she says as jack put the ring on her ring finger

I'm in too deep|| Zach Herron
FanfictionSequel to DON'T NOTHING AT ALL, if you haven't read it ready the first book, this is the third one. In which y/n Rose besson, known as rose, just came off tour with Ariana grande, after Zach's calling off their engagement after she cheated on him w...