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Mark and Kris were on their way to the University when the latter all of a sudden commanded Mark to pull over at the sidewalk. He quickly rolled down the window.

"P'Gun" Kris shouted at the man who was walking behind them. The brown haired boy looked at him and smiled before skipping towards the car.

"Good morning N'Kris" Gun greeted before peeking at the one on the driver seat. "And N'Mark" he finished. Mark noticed how bright his smile is and he's afraid its contagious.

"Good morning" Mark replied unenthusiatically.

"Why are you walking P? Where's your motorbike? Didnt P'Champ returned it last night?" Kris asked one after the other, not even bothering to greet him back.

"Its in the house and walking is good for your health". Gun's smile faltered, but he tried to keep it nevertheless.

"Really? You're walking 6 miles? You won't even have enough energy when you reach the school"

"Its ok. Are you forgetting that I'm an athlete? This is basic" Gun said confidently, but the sweating and heavy breathing says otherwise.

"Just hop in" Mark joined their conversation after moments of silently staring at Gun's dark circles and barely noticeable bruises on his neck and face.

"Thanks Nong but I'm ok. Were so close at the university now" Gun insisted.

"You know P, you look like shit right now. Just hop in before I push you face front in the backseat" Kris was starting to lose his temper. Gun flinched with the sudden change of tone and immediately scampered towards the backseat.

Mark was amused with what he was witnessing. He finds it entertaining how Kris calls him P but then talks to him like he's a kid.

"Be honest P, what really happened last night?" Kris was looking at him through the rearview mirror.

"I uh" Gun was hesitating. Mark was now driving but still glances at him through the mirror waiting for his answer.

"They... uh... they forced me to drink" Gun wasn't returning their look. Instead he was keeping his head low.

"Oh so that's why you're walking to school" his brother was shaking his head. "Who snitched you?"

"No one" his voice was low and he was still avoiding his gaze.

"Then how did mom kn.....oh dont tell me you told her yourself?" He paused for a bit before laughing, not giving a chance for his brother to answer. "Well of course you did Saint Gun. Of course you'll confess to your mother dearest" Kris was straight up mocking him.

Gun doesn't like the way Kris was talking to him but he still kept his mouth shut.

Mark though, he was enjoying this. He wants laugh so bad but decided not to when he sees how the boy in the backseat was playing with the hem of his shirt, eyes glued to his knees.

"I'm sorry" Kris apologized. He may be harsh with the way he talks but thats because he cares about his P.

"Its ok. It was really my fault, I should have never stayed". His smile was bittersweet. But its a smile nonetheless.

"Its not your fault. They forced you"

"Somehow, its still mine. I was older than them. If only I earned their respect then they would have listened when I told them no. I guess I failed" his gloomy voice echoed inside the car and then there came silence. No one talked for a moment and it stayed that way until the car stopped in front of the Engineering Department

"Thanks for the ride" Gun smiled as if he did not just spout those depressing words a moment ago.

"Don't go around blaming yourself. I'll kill you" Kris sounded so serious.

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