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*Unfamiliar plot and OC's are of my own creation all rights go to Stephanie Meyer. Pictures are not mine unless stated. Aesthetics are my own creations.

Name: Ivory Rosabella Alisper Cullen
Biolgical parents: Edward and Bella Cullen
Adoptive parents: Carmen and Eleazar Denali
Other family:
Irina (aunt)
Tanya (aunt)
Kate (aunt)
Garrett (uncle)
Jasper (biological uncle)
Alice (biological aunt)
Rosalie (biological aunt)
Emmett (biological uncle)
Renesmee (biological sister)
Renee and Charlie (maternal grandparents)
Esme and Carlisle (paternal grandparents)
Vladimir (godfather)
Stefan (godfather)
Senna (godmother)
Zafrina (godmother)
Alistair (godfather)
Benjamin (godfather)
Tia (godmother)
Seth Clearwater (best friend)
Leah Clearwater (best friend)
Jane Volturi (mate)
Alec Volturi (mate)
Demetri Volturi (mate)
Felix Volturi (mate)
Aro Volturi (mate)
Marcus Volturi (Brother figure)
Caius Volturi (mate)

Likes: nature, family, drawing, singing, reading, painting, poetry, meeting new people, writing songs and stories, the pack, horror movies, violin, piano, guitar, cooking, night, philosophy, fantasy movies and dancing

Dislikes: The Cullens, Jacob, spiders, thunderstorms, fake kindness and liars

Mimicking others powers
Showing people her memories
Influence over the elements
(Not really a power but she has white wings)

Talents: singing, dancing, piano, violin, guitar, painting, cooking, writing, speaking other languages and drawing

Eyes: heterochromia
Left eye: gold
Right eye: blue

Hair: Auburn

Age when she matures: at around 2 years (looks 19)

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