Chapter 3: Dreams

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Fuli started tasting the air to trying to find Kion before Ono, since she knew his scent better than Ono's, due to all the times she spent with Kion throughout the long journey to the Tree of Life.  After a while of trying to catch Kion's scent, she found it, and followed it to a den with Rani standing outside of it.

"I'm sorry, he's not taking visitors right now," Rani said seriously, but then added with a lighter tone. "Did you like the surprise that was waiting for you at the Tree?"

"It was great!" Fuli said, "I had no idea my parents were still alive after they fell in the river.  Are they gonna be coming home soon?"

"I'm not too sure." Rani said, "I know we had a mandrill that could've made some pad covers or something like that, but she left with another mandrill a while ago."

"I think I can get the mandrill, she came with us to the Tree.  Her name's Makini.  Probably be best to get here in the morning, though." Fuli said

"That would be a smart idea.  I'll show you to your den where you can stay for the night here."


"Your den will actually be right there." Rani said, pointing with her tail to a den right beside Kion's.

"Oh, yeah," Fuli said, "one more thing.  Where is Ono staying? I want to visit him and see how he's doing right now."

"Ono's staying right next to your den, to the left.  He'd be sleeping like Kion right now, though.  It wouldn't be a good idea to visit either.  You can visit them in the morning." Rani replied

"How are they doing?" 

"Kion is strong.  Since he made it throughout the journey here, he'll recover.  Ono should regain his eyesight as well.  The only problem would be is that Kion would keep his scar.  Not even the Tree of Life can heal a scar.  You should go to sleep in your den now.  We'll all be here in the morning."

"Okay."  Fuli said as she walked towards to her den.  

     Once Fuli got into her den and made a comfortable place for her to sleep, she had trouble sleeping, since she's missing the warmth Kion gave her as they slept during the night.  As the Guard travelled to the Tree of Life, they had to sleep throughout the coldest of nights.  On those nights, the Guard decided it would be better to sleep together to survive and sleep well.  Of course, Fuli being Fuli, she would only allow Kion to touch her fur as they sleep, albeit reluctantly.  Kion reluctantly agreed to sleep beside Fuli as well.  Throughout all the days of travel, Fuli became used to Kion being at her side, and same for Kion.  The Guard never noticed how much time they spent together throughout the journey was a much greater amount than they did in the Pride Lands.  As a result of their time spent together,  Kion and Fuli bonded really closely, probably closer than a lion and cheetah ever should.

     As all these thoughts ran through Fuli's head, she finally fell into a restless sleep, plagued by dreams about what could go wrong at the Tree.

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